Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

P. Requirements for Person Signs. Person signs are allowed in business districts, provided they meet the following requirements: 1. No more than one person sign is permitted per zoning lot. a. Exception: A corner lot or through lot is permitted one person sign per street frontage. 2. The use of lighting or amplified sound in conjunction with a people sign is prohibited. 3. The use of a mannequin to display a sign is prohibited. 4. If the person is holding a sign, the maximum size allowed for the held sign is 6 square feet. 5. Person signs are allowed on an individual property for a maximum of 60 days during any calendar year. 6. Person signs are not allowed in the public RIGHT-OF-WAY , and must not obstruct sidewalks .

Q. Requirements for Window Signs. 1. The total sign message area of all window signs displayed by a single business must cover no more than 50% of the total window area of the building wall in which they are located. a. W indow area is defined as the area of glass within a window frame.

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