Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

2. Special meetings must be held at the call of the Chairperson, and at such other times as the bylaws allow. D. Voting. A ll actions of the BZA, including appeals, variances, and conditional uses as exceptions, must be made by motion and decided by voting. 1. A quorum must be declared present, before the BZA may vote on actions. 2. Decisions are reached by a majority vote of the members present and voting . E. Records. Public records of all official actions of the BZA must be kept by the BZA Secretary, and filed with the Zoning Administrator without unreasonable delay. 1. BZA records must be maintained separately from the records of the Planning Commission. 2. Minutes of BZA proceedings must be kept, showing: a. Evidence presented at hearings b. Findings of fact. c. Decisions. (1) The vote of each member on each question. (2) On each question, members absent, abstaining or disqualified from voting. 3. Records of BZA decisions must be open to public inspection during reasonable business hours. F. Fees. The BZA must determine a reasonable schedule of fees to defray the costs of administration and enforcement of BZA proceedings. 1. The BZA schedule of fees is subject to approval by the Governing Body. 2. Fees will be paid in advance by the appealing party.

ARTICLE 11. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 100 Authorization A. The Planning Commission also serves as the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) . (See K.S.A. 12-759, as amended.) 101 General Procedures A. Members. All members of the Andover Planning Commission are voting members of the BZA, whether they reside inside or outside the City limits. 1. Officers. All officers of the Planning Commission are officers of the BZA, including the Secretary. 2. Compensation. All members of the BZA must serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for expenses when authorized by the Governing Body. B. Bylaws. The BZA must adopt rules for its operation in the form of bylaws, which: 1. Must include hearing procedures. 2. Must not conflict with the ordinance designating the Planning Commission as the BZA, with applicable State statutes, or with the provisions of these Zoning Regulations. 3. Are subject to the approval of the Governing Body. C. Meetings. 1. BZA meetings may be held separately from a Planning Commission meeting, or in conjunction with one. a. When Planning Commission and BZA meetings are held in conjunction , the Planning Commission must recess a portion of its meeting to conduct the business of the BZA, and then reconvene to continue the Planning Commission agenda.

Main TOC Zoning TOC Board of Zoning Appeals

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