Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Definitions

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

2. VISION TRIANGLE: A triangular area at the intersection of 2 streets, which must be maintained so as to provide a safe and open line of vision for drivers of vehicles approaching the intersection. (See Zoning Regulations, Section 3-105B for Vision Triangles, and Subdivision Regulations, Section 8-106B for Vision Triangle Easement.) a. The 3 points defining the area of a vision triangle are determined as follows: (1) Start at Point 1 , found by extending the corner lot lines in a straight line to a point of intersection. (2) From Point 1, measure back along each lot line to establish Point 2 and Point 3. Measure a minimum distance of 30 feet in all residentially zoned districts , and 20 feet in all other zoning districts .

WALL: An unroofed free-standing structure, generally constructed of columns or piers with panels between, supported by a foundation, footing, or piers embedded in the ground. Walls may be built of masonry, metal, glass, or other materials, and are intended to provide screening, privacy, partition, protection, confinement, or define a boundary. (See FENCE.) 1. "Wall" may also refer to a structure that forms a vertical exterior surface or vertical interior partition of a building or structure. WATERCOURSE: A natural or artificial channel in which water flows in a definite direction, either continuously or intermittently. WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM (WECS): A device or combination of devices which converts wind energy into another usable form of energy. The term includes but is not limited to wind charges, windmills, and wind turbines, and includes all associated support structures and transmission lines.

Photos: WECS (examples)

 Diagram: Vision Triangle

Foster Design Associates LLC

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