Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 3 — Site Plan Review

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

2. At Entrances to Developments: Perimeter screening fences or walls which are 6 feet or less in height may extend into the front yard setbacks of developments at their entrances from streets, in all zoning districts. B. Permitted fences and walls for each zoning district: 1. A-1 Agricultural Transition District: a. In any yard: Fences and walls 6 feet or less in height are permitted. 2. SF-1, SF-2, SF-3, MF-1, MF-2, and MXR Residential Fences and walls 4 feet or less in height are permitted. b. In any yard except a front yard: Fences and walls 6 feet or less in height are permitted. 3. B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 Business Districts, and MXI Mixed Industrial / Commercial District: a. In front yards: Fences and walls 4 feet or less in height are permitted. b. In any yard except a front yard: Fences and walls 8 feet or less in height are permitted. 4. B-5 Highway Corridor Mixed Use Business District and I-1 and I-2 Industrial Districts: a. In front yards: Fences and walls 6 feet or less in height are permitted. Districts and MH-1 Manufactured Home District: a. In front yards (including both front yards of a corner lot within 35 feet of the front corner): (1) Exception: In either front yard of a corner lot within 15 feet of the front corner, fences and walls 4 feet or less in height are permitted. b. In any yard except a front yard: Fences and walls 10 feet or less in height are permitted.

3.4.11 — Screening for Equipment and Structures A. Screen refuse and waste removal areas, trash receptacles, loading docks, service yards, storage yards, exterior work areas, outdoor storage areas, and similar uses from view at ground level from public ways and adjacent residential properties. B. Use screening and landscaping to soften the visual, acoustic, and olfactory effects of miscellaneous structures and mechanical equipment on the aesthetics of the site and its surrounding area. 1. Design screening for mechanical equipment and miscellaneous structures to be harmonious with the architectural concept of the site, and compatible in scale and color with nearby buildings and the surroundings. 2. Whenever possible, locate miscellaneous structures and mechanical equipment away from the perimeter of the site, to provide separation from the street and adjacent residential areas. 3. Screening may be accomplished with planting materials, berms or walls or fences. a. Fences used for screening must be at least 6 feet in height, and with slatting that reduces the passage of light by at least 90%. b. Landscaping used for screening must maintain a reduced visual impact to a height of at least 6 feet, year round, within one year of planting. (1) Plant shrubs, perennials and groundcovers in mulched plant beds .

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