Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

12. PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: An area of real property in which the authority has a dedicated or acquired right-of-way interest in the real property. It includes the area on, below or above the present and future streets, alleys, avenues, roads, highways, parkways or boulevards dedicated or acquired as right-of-way. a. Public right-of-way does not include any state, federal or interstate highway right-of-way, which generally includes the area that runs contiguous to, parallel with, and is generally equidistant from the center of that portion of the highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for public travel. 13. REPLACEMENT: Includes constructing a new wireless support structure of comparable proportions and of comparable height or such other height that would not constitute a substantial modification to an existing structure, in order to support wireless facilities or to accommodate collocation; includes the associated removal of the pre-existing wireless facilities, if any, or wireless support structure. 14. SEARCH RING : A shape drawn on a map to indicate the general area within which a wireless services support structure should be located to meet radio frequency engineering requirements, taking into account other factors, including topography and the demographics of the service area. 15. SHOT CLOCK: Time limits established by the FCC, within which a state or local government is required to process an application to deploy a wireless Infrastructure facility. a. See the 2018 FCC Declaratory Ruling and Third Report and Order FCC 18-133 .

16. SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY: A cellular network facility capable of delivering high transmission speeds, but over a much smaller coverage area than a MACROCELL TOWER. Also known as a Small Cell Facility . a. A Small Wireless Facility typically consists of a small cell antenna and an associated equipment box. b. Small Wireless Facilities are typically used in urban areas with high demand for wireless services. They are often mounted on either dedicated poles or existing utility poles in the public right-of-way, where they have access to both fiber optic cables and electric power. Sometimes multiple Small Wireless Facilities are clustered on or around one support structure. c. According to the 2018 FCC Declaratory Ruling and Third (1) Each antenna must be 3 cubic feet or less in volume. (2) All associated equipment must be 28 cubic feet or less in volume. (3) Maximum height. A Small Wireless Facility must meet at least one of the following height restrictions. (a) Must be mounted on a structure which is 50 feet or less in height. (b) Must be mounted on a structure which is no more than 10 percent taller than adjacent structures. (c) When mounted on an existing structure, must not extend the height of that structure by more than 10 feet or by more than 10 percent, whichever is greater. Report and Order FCC 18-133, a SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY must satisfy the following conditions:

Main TOC Zoning TOC Provisions for Specific Uses

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