Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

F. SF-3 General Conditions. 1. Land used for an SF-3 District must be located as a

G. SF-3 Zoning Lot Size Requirements. 1. Minimum zoning lot area : 5,400 square feet. 2. Minimum zoning lot width at front building setback: 60 feet. 3. Minimum zoning lot depth : 90 feet. 4. See Zoning Regulations Section 3-102D) for zoning lot depth to width ratio requirements. H. SF-3 Bulk Regulations. 1. Maximum structure height : 35 feet. 2. Yard setback requirements: a. Minimum front yard setback: 25 feet.

self-contained unit of development such as that created by: a. Zero lot line lots or a cul-de-sac, or which face similar types of lots across a residential street which does not carry substantial volumes of traffic. b. Lots which face a land use other than existing or future single family dwellings or two-family dwellings. 2. Land used for an SF-3 District must be platted according to the Subdivision Regulations of the City, as a condition of zoning. a. Avoid creating any drainage or utility easement problems with the design concept. 3. A fencing or screening design plan for each zero lot line zoning lot must be submitted, showing its relationship to other lots, and how privacy for each lot will be achieved. 4. Wall with most minimum setback. To ensure privacy, no windows, doors, or other openings are permitted on the wall with the most minimum setback. a. The wall with the most minimum setback must be constructed of the same materials as the dwelling unit's other exterior walls. 5. Parking. Each dwelling must have at least two parking space, plus adequate space for at least 2 cars in the driveway area. 6. Restrictive Covenants. Proposed restrictive covenants must be submitted, guaranteeing: a. Maintenance of fencing or screening. b. Maintenance access for structures in close proximity to one another. c. Other restrictions as necessary to carry out the intent of the overall design concept.

(1) Exception for corner lot : 15 feet on no more than one street frontage of a corner lot, and 25 feet to the front of a garage or a required permanent parking space. b. Minimum side yard setback: A minimum of 10 feet maintained between the adjacent residential structures. (1) Overhanging eaves and gutters are permitted by Section 3-102G2e of these Zoning Regulations, provided that provisions for their extension and maintenance over adjacent property are contained in the restrictive covenants.

c. Minimum rear yard setback: 15 feet. 3. Maximum zoning lot coverage : 60%.

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Zoning Districts

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