Good Night Oppy Scriptbook

ILM SFX ANIMATION: Oppy’s head goes down like she’s about to go to sleep, then it shoots back up as NASA asks her to stay awake. She looks like a kid trying to stay awake when they’re too tired.

BEKAH SOSLAND-SIEGFRIEDT: I think Opportunity helped me to really better deal with my grandmother’s situation. And to understand that part of life.

ILM SFX ANIMATION: Opportunity moves her head up and turns it to the side, looking like she is working hard to stay inquisitive. She drives forward off the screen as she goes to continue her mission. BEKAH SOSLAND-SIEGFRIEDT: But she was still the perfect child. And she kept trying her damnedest to complete her mission. To find neutral water that can support life on Mars.


ABIGAIL FRAEMAN: After several years of travel, we finally started to see the rim of Endeavour Crater rise in the distance. DOUG ELLISON: When you know this thing’s, you know, 10-plus miles wide, it wasn’t until we pulled up right to the edge that suddenly…wham. ILM SFX ANIMATION: Pull out as Oppy, stopped, looks around and camera pans to reveal Endeavour Crater, massive into the distance. ABIGAIL FRAEMAN: When Oppy reached the rim of Endeavour, everything changed. It almost felt like the start of a whole new mission. It was a whole new environment to explore, stepping back tens or hundreds or millions of years in time. So I love this part in the mission.



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