Issue 104


Grassroots with passion

SPOT LIGHT Happiness, in turn, increases the chance that we’ll be altruistic in the future, creating a positive feedback loop of generosity and happiness.

in the United States says that when connection with others is present, it can boost mental and physical health, and even increase immunity and longevity. Relatedly, happiness is collective. Our happiness depends on the happiness of those we are connected to. Science shows that through practising happiness, we make those we come into contact with happier. In other words, happiness is contagious!

A psychologist conducted thousands of interviews to find out what lies at the root of social connection, and a thorough analysis of the data revealed what it was:


vulnerability. To be clear, vulnerability does not mean being weak or submissive. To the contrary, it implies the courage to be your authentic self. The rewards of vulnerability are immeasurable. When you embrace an authentic and vulnerable stance to life, people will meet you there in that openness, allowing you to experience true connection. Forgiveness is a byproduct of living authentically and vulnerably. Forgiveness doesn’t mean tolerance of error but rather a patient encouragement of growth. Practising forgiveness doesn’t only benefit the person we forgive, recent research shows that it has tangible benefits for ourselves as well. So the next time you’re holding a grudge, try letting it go for your own happiness !

Many people tell themselves, “If I work hard, I’ll be successful. If I’m successful, I’ll be happy.” But recent discoveries in psychology and neuroscience show that this formula is backward: Happiness fuels success, not


the other way around. In fact, science has shown that, the type of work you do is key: engaging in meaningful activity is a big indicator of happiness. “Happiness lies at the intersection of pleasure and meaning.” If we are actively involved in trying to reach a goal, or an activity that is challenging but well suited to our skills, we experience a joyful state and the leisure activities lead to increased positive effect, performance, and commitment to long- term meaningful goals.

Our busy lives often leave us stretched for time to connect with others, but science suggests that social connection should be tops on our to-do lists. The findings of a study conducted


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