Tim Harbaugh * Jazz in 3-Dimensions Steel and Stone
µ[µ[µ nbharbs@hotmail.com People’s Choice voting number: 130 GIFT OF Harbinger Hill Studio
Rob Harold ♦ Forgotten Tune Digital Photography
µ[µ[µ r.ha U old@sbcglobal.net People’s Choice voting number: 77 GALLERIES Crooked Tree Arts Center, Petoskey Gaylord Area Council for the Arts, Gaylord Charlevoix Circle of Arts, Charlevoix GIFT OF Artist Tracey Harrington ♠ Chant Watercolor ½ ” x 15 ½ ” x ¾ ” thharrington@yahoo.com People’s Choice voting number: 68 GALLERIES Crooked Tree Arts Center, Petoskey ,QILQLW\(\H&DUH3HWRVNH\ GIFT OF Artist
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