Artist Catalog 2024

Siation Horizons Featured Artist is Neil W.Ahrens

Neil W. Ahrens, a dedicated artist with a strong connection to his craft, has been FKRVHQDVWKHIHDWXUHGDUWLVWIRU'DUWIRU$UW+LVSDLQWLQJ Striation Horizons , will serve as the inspiration for the evening. A graduate of Michigan State University, Ahrens went on to receive his master's GHJUHHLQÀQHDUWVIURPWKHSUHVWLJLRXV&UDQEURRN$FDGHP\RI$UW+LVMRXUQH\DV an artist is deeply rooted in Northern Michigan, where he has resided for nearly \HDUV'UDZLQJLQVSLUDWLRQIURPWKHORFDOODQGVFDSHVSDUWLFXODUO\WKHODNHV $KUHQVSDVVLRQDWHO\FUHDWHVDEVWUDFWSDLQWLQJVUHÁHFWLQJWKHSHDFHIXOHVVHQFHRI his surroundings. Neil, along with his wife and former CTAC President Liz, have transformed their Harbor Springs home into a vibrant artistic hub, hosting a gallery, studio, and guest home for visiting artists in residence called Ahrens Gallery and Studio. Having chosen to make Northern Michigan home, Neil and Liz Ahrens have EHFRPHIRXQGDWLRQDOÀJXUHVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\SOD\LQJLQWHJUDOUROHVLQEULQJLQJ exceptional exhibitions to area galleries, developing a culture that appreciates art, and supporting arts education. Beyond his artistic endeavors, Neil W. Ahrens has a varied career working in schools as an educator, as an Emmet County Commissioner, and as a U.S. Navy Veteran.


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