Sandler Training - August/September 2019


your butt can’t cash. When you’re aware of what hooks you, then you can avoid saying or doing something you’ll later regret. Your hooks make you vulnerable, and understanding them can help make you bulletproof.

unflattering ways. When dealing with the minutiae of day-to-day life, people tend to forget, as the old saying goes, “Those who do not remember the past are forced to repeat it.” Professionally, failing to evolve can be a fatal mistake. That’s why this week, I’d like you to focus on creating a list of the things that hook you. Everyone is set off by something: Maybe the mention of politics makes you feel like ranting, or you can’t open a wine list without discoursing — perhaps a little too enthusiastically — on your favorite bottles. Perhaps you’ll take any excuse to showcase your personal style, your wit, or your intelligence, sometimes to your detriment. Identifying your hooks starts with a solid baseline of reflection and then developing a keen awareness of your own shortcomings and desires. Look for a pattern of things in your past behavior that have caused friction, then try and identify the hook at the core of each story. Whether you come up with two or three things that set you off, or a dozen, growing that awareness can help you change for the better and become more successful in your role. If you’d like some help along the way, don’t hesitate to give Sandler Training a call.

In life and in business, if you let yourself continue down one path unchecked, you’re inviting history to repeat itself, often in

–Jim Stephens


In today’s fast-paced business world, change is vital for companies that want to succeed. New technologies seem to drop every other day, and fresh modes of business-to-business and business-to- consumer exchange constantly set new standards for companies to meet, forcing reorganization. Those factors all make change inevitable. However, at Sandler Training we understand it’s not that simple — initiating change is difficult, and it’s often dangerous to carry out. A major shift in any business brings with it a boatload of doubt that both the upper echelons and employees with their boots on the ground need to face. Disruptions to the status quo can create a threat to jobs and make entire teams anxious. Sometimes it seems easier to avoid the discomfort, but that fear leads companies to put off

making changes until the gap between their protocols and recent innovations is so wide that it needs to be addressed immediately. In the most difficult cases, outside help must be brought in to solve problems that have been ignored. It’s easy to panic in such a challenging situation, but remember, you aren’t alone — Sandler Training is here to help, and we can make the process easier. The first thing you need to do is select a strategy that works for your organization, which requires an understanding of your team’s strengths. Then, you need to make a plan to deal with any resistance you might face, tailored specifically to your company’s needs. To learn more about the steps you should take to ensure your business’s successful evolution, including which competencies

to look for in your team and how you can find and harness them, check out our latest blog post at today.


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