o Benefits and Coverage Questions o Medicare Guidance o And more…
20. What ongoing education and communication for employees do you offer during the course of the year? • Effective and consistent employee communication is a key aspect of our role as a broker, and significantly important to the employees of any company. Lack of communication can create confusion and disinterest in the benefits available to them as a member of your organization. With all of the tools available for communication today, there are endless opportunities to provide employees with timely and accurate information regarding their benefits program. Our team will work with you to educate employees regularly on:
o Benefits covered under their health plan o Wellness initiatives and engagement o Cost-sharing requirements and reimbursement arrangements o Provider networks and physician access o Cost of services and how to reduce their health care spend o Calculation of benefits and employee responsibility o HSA/HRA education • Types of communication include: o Email
o Videos o Intranet o Newsletter/Bulletin board postings o Town hall meetings o Company-wide meetings o One-on-one meetings with employees
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