Report Defnitions
GEOGRAPHY covered in this report is Atlanta, Georgia and the surrounding region, specifcally the towns and neighborhoods detailed on the prior page.
ACT I VE is current inventory, defned as all properties actively listed on July 1st, 2021.
NEW is defned as any properties put on the market during June 2021.
CONTRACT S I GNED fgures are based on publicly reported transactions as of July 1st, 2021. The signed price refects the latest available, or last known asking price.
SOLD fgures are based on publicly reported transactions which closed by July 1st, 2021.
AVE RAGE PR I CE is the sum of all prices divided by the total number of properties.
MONTHS OF SUP P LY is calculated as the current inventory divided by the average number of contracts per month in the last twelve months. A buyer's market, where supply is greater than demand, is defned as more than six months of supply. A seller's market, where supply is less than demand, is defned as less than six months of supply. A balanced market, where supply is equal to demand, is defned as six months of supply.
DAYS ON MARK E T ( DOM ) is calculated as the list date subtracted from the off market date, which is either the contract signed date, or the sold date, depending on availability.
SAL E -TO - L I ST RAT I O is the sale price divided by the list price.
YEAR - OVE R -YEAR ( YOY ) CHANGE is the percentage difference of a particular metric for the current time period, compared against the same time period of the previous year.
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