Hospitality Stephanie Moore
away! Not sure what to wear for an 80’s costume? Check out some of the links below OR just search online. Ideas are everywhere. NADOA does request that costumes are tasteful and something you could wear to the office . Our icebreaker before dinner will include 1980’s TRIVIA! We will also have a DJ, music videos, great dancing (contest included!), karaoke, and a fun “PROM” photo booth. Get your costume ordered now, brush up on 1980’s events/entertainment and join us for an AWESOME time.
The NADOA Board and Institute Committee would like to invite you to the upcoming 48th Annual NADOA Institute, September 8 – 10, 2021. Since classes are being offered once again on Wednesday, September 8, come early and stay late and enjoy this beautiful location and the amazing beaches!!! The Fort Lauderdale Marriott Beach Harbor has exceptional views, food, and wildlife, all on site! Join us Wednesday, September 8 from 5 – 7 p.m. for NADOA’s Luau Welcome Reception. Enjoy the tropi- cal sunset on the hotel patio and meet up with long-time friends or make new ones. There will be goodies available that you can take back to your room. The Thursday evening dinner is NADOA’s DON’T MISS EVENT!!! I love 80’s and you will too after what we have planned for you. NADOA is hosting a COS- TUME contest (Best 80’s Female/Male, Biggest Hair, Best Dead Celebrity, and Most Creative) and has prizes to give
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80s Costumes: 1980s Fashion Costume Ideas | WHO Magazine
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