DEPARTMENTAL PROFILES The operating budget contains the following functions: • Executive Director • Finance • Information Technology • Human Resources • Planning & Development • Park Police • Board of Commissioners • Trades
SUPPLIES Supplies account for 10% of the total operating budget and are budgeted to increase $37,200 or 6.1% above the 2023 budget. Increases were built in for higher fuel costs and other commodities. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Contractual expenses account for 17% of the total operating budget. Contractual services are budgeted to increase 12.8% or $123,400 over the 2023 budget. The 2024 budget includes funding for an Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment and general cost increases. UTILITIES Utilities account for 2% of the total operating budget and are budgeted to increase slightly compared to the 2023 budget. CAPITAL PROJECTS Capital expenses within the operating budget represent minor furniture purchases. MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous expenses include banking fees and fees for the District’s fixed income managed portfolio. TRANSFERS Transfers totaling $1.5 million come from the General Fund to the Recreation Fund which provides resources to fund park maintenance operations and to help offset administrative costs and transfers to the capital fund based on the performance of the District at the end of the year. Transfers to capital are an important funding source vital to maintaining District’s assets.
• Fleet • Allocations
Resources are allocated to the functions within the General Fund budget as illustrated. Fund Allocations represent utility charges and general office expenses incurred by the District and allocated among the three main operating funds (General, Recreation, and Golf Services). A summary for each function follows providing details of the responsibilities of the division or department relative to the District. Further account detail is provided in the General Fund departmental income statements found later in this document. 8 gen fund page 28
10% Information Technology 9% HR
9% Planning 8% Finance 8% Police 5% Executive 2% Fund Allocations 1% Board
12 Golf service Rev page 86
2024 BUDGET 31
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