The Recreation Programs budget area is comprised of revenues and expenses associated with programs and events offered by the District. The District provides a wide range of recreation opportunities annually, with over 7,500 classes, teams, events and performances, resulting in approximately 60,000 registrants annually in recent years. A number of programs are made available to all constituents, regardless of age, ability, ethnicity or financial means. Programs offered by the District fall within the following Core Program and Service Areas: • Active Seniors • Aquatics • Arts • Environmental • Fitness & Wellness • Special Events • Sports • Youth, Teen & Family The program area budgets in this section fall within the core program and service areas listed above. The 2024 budgets for Recreation Programs were developed utilizing historical information from 2021, 2022 and 2023. In 2023, Recreation Programs revenue exceeded expectations due in large part to significantly higher participation levels in several outdoor youth programs such as youth athletics and camps. Revenue is projected to exceed the 2023 budget by 15.7% overall or $926,200. Our Camp programs’ net is projected to exceed 2023 budget by 27% or $81,500 as well as Youth Sports at 16% or $196,600.
The 2024 Recreation Programs budget reflects less than a 1.0% or $56,400 decrease in revenue over the projected year-end budget with most areas expecting a steady participation return as compared to 2023. Some programs will experience fee increases to offset minimum wage/ compression adjustments and increased supply costs. Expenses reflect a slight 2% or $80,400 increase over the projected year end. The 2024 budget reflects the following significant changes: • Increase in Preschool participation coupled with a fee increase will result in an increase in revenue of $19,000 over 2023. • Youth basketball continues to show growth. A 6.0% fee increase will be assessed to offset the rising cost for referees, equating to a $1 increase per game. • Due to the minimum wage increase, many areas within recreation programs experienced an increase in short term wages across the board, especially day camps, dance, preschool, gymnastics, birthday parties, and tennis. • Summer day camp will experience a fee increase of 9.0% in 2024 in response to higher costs for field trips, bus transportation and wages, equating to a $4.00 increase per day. • Dance recital participants will experience a 4.0-6.0% increase in fees (applicable to specific classes) due to the increase in costume costs and recital day performance expenses.
• After a slower return post-COVID compared to other program areas, participation in the Adult Sports area is expected to slightly grow in 2024, reflecting an increase in revenue of $7,700. • Birthday party concession revenue and expenses have been adjusted in 2024 as a result of the District no longer managing the optional pizza ordering for groups. • Due to increased costs for contractual services, the Magical Starlight Theatre production expenses are higher than last year by $10,300. • The registration for senior trips and active adult programming continues to hold steady throughout 2023 and is projected to come in slightly lower in 2024. As a result, the overall budgeted surplus for the Recreation Programs is 16.8% higher than the 2023 budgeted surplus. Recreation programs participation and revenue is expected to remain steady through 2024.
2024 BUDGET 55
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