

The Sportsman’s Park Trapshooting Range is operated through a property lease agreement with the City of Naperville and an operations agreement with the Naperville Sportsman’s Club. Shooting hours are Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. and Sunday afternoons from Noon - 6:00 p.m. In 2023 rounds are projected to end the year at 10,300, up 6.36% or 618 compared to 2022. The facility is projected to achieve a surplus of $15,500, down 15.0% from budget. The 2023 budget was developed using an assumption that the program would see similar participation numbers from the previous year. While participation is projected to be in line with that assumption, operational expenses related to targets, shells and labor were higher than expected. A site-wide fee increase for 2024 is planned to help offset the uptick in expenses. SPORTSMAN’S FINAL 2021 FINAL 2022 BUDGET 2023 PROJECTIONS 2023 BUDGET 2024 2024 VS. 2023 PROJ % 2024 VS. 2023 BUDGET % REVENUE Charges for Services $139,962 $129,165 $117,550 $137,800 $151,863 $14,063 10% $34,313 29% Miscellaneous 6,054 6,003 4,525 6,388 6,976 588 9% 2,451 54% Total Revenue 146,016 135,168 122,075 144,188 158,839 14,651 10% 36,764 30% EXPENSES Wages & Benefits 7,433 7,214 8,050 7,900 8,400 500 6% 350 4% Supplies 105,197 105,949 87,575 110,700 116,000 5,300 5% 28,425 32% Contractual Services 9,313 9,183 8,025 9,695 10,326 631 7% 2,301 29% Utilities 200 312 200 412 0 (412) -100% (200) -100% Total Expenditures 122,143 122,658 103,850 128,707 134,726 6,019 5% 30,876 30% Surplus/(Deficit) $23,873 $12,510 $18,225 $15,481 $24,113 $8,632 56% $5,888 32%

2024 BUDGET 57


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