The Fort Hill Activity Center is a nearly 85,000 square-foot facility located at 20 Fort Hill Drive. The Activity Center continues to serve as a community gathering place for all ages and abilities to enjoy a wide range of indoor recreation activities, sports, and fitness and wellness programs. Revenue is generated through memberships, day passes, program registrations, facility rentals, concession sales, events, sponsorships, and birthday parties. Additional revenues generated by the facility are included within core recreation program budgets including Sports, Active Adults, Early Childhood, and Youth, Teen and Family. The budget for the facility includes a full-time fitness manager, a full-time wellness manager, part-time fitness staff, personal trainers, group fitness instructors, open gym attendants and childcare attendants. Additional expenses for
staff to support facility operations are included in the Custodial, Customer Service, and respective program budgets. Fort Hill continues to see incredible growth in facility use and programming, including fitness memberships which are up 37% over the same time last year (October 2022). Birthday parties have seen continued growth and are projected to have a surplus of 38% or $30,000 over budget. Childcare revenue is projected to increase by 53% or $25,020 over the 2023 budget. Open gym revenue is projected to increase by 21% or $12,600 over the 2023 budget. As we continue to see increases in usage and programming, the facility is projected to have a surplus of $725,100 in 2023 which is an increase of 93% ($350,000) over the budgeted surplus. The District continues to offer many hybrid group exercise options (in- person/online) to accommodate participant needs.
Additionally, Personal Training has seen incredible growth in revenue and is projected to increase 120% or $50,800 in revenue over the 2023 budget. In 2024 the District will continue to focus on maintaining its fitness membership base while increasing participation in fitness, group exercise and open gym use. Revenue is budgeted to increase over the 2023 projected year end by 3.0% or $45,000 due to the continued growth in fitness memberships and participation in insurance-based memberships programs. Expenses are expected to increase 12.0% or $124,700 in 2024 over the 2023 projected expenses due to supply costs, minimum wage increases and repairs for the facility. The facility is budgeted to achieve a surplus of $645,400 for 2024.
RECREATION FORT HILL FINAL 2021 FINAL 2022 BUDGET 2023 PROJECTIONS 2023 BUDGET 2024 2024 VS. 2023 PROJ % 2024 VS. 2023 BUDGET % REVENUE Charges for Services $932,911 $1,346,721 $1,364,099 $1,717,280 $1,768,250 $50,970 3% $404,151 30% Sales 16,320 16,626 15,390 16,220 13,365 (2,855) -18% (2,025) -13% Rental Income 12,093 2,400 10,000 5,000 3,425 (1,575) -32% (6,575) -66% Alternative Revenue 21,520 24,570 24,000 23,920 20,700 (3,220) -13% (3,300) -14% Miscellaneous 11,332 25,421 18,532 23,360 25,088 1,728 7% 6,556 35% Total Revenue 994,176 1,415,738 1,432,021 1,785,780 1,830,828 45,048 3% 398,807 28% EXPENSES Wages & Benefits 417,241 548,312 620,234 649,010 734,824 85,814 13% 114,590 18% Supplies 47,058 51,279 72,325 60,450 72,450 12,000 20% 125 0% Contractual Services 113,634 149,875 164,130 186,886 204,777 17,891 10% 40,647 25% Utilities 160,867 176,143 200,173 164,308 173,315 9,007 5% (26,858) -13% Total Expenditures 738,800 925,609 1,056,862 1,060,654 1,185,366 124,712 12% 128,504 12% Surplus/(Deficit) $255,376 $490,129 $375,159 $725,126 $645,462 ($79,664) -11% $270,303 72%
2024 BUDGET 61
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