

The Facility Rentals budget includes revenues received from rentals of the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center, Sportsman’s Park Community Clubhouse, and Seager Park Interpretive Center. Facility Rentals also include fees for the Mobile Stage rentals, Preferred Caterers, and revenue from a parking lot license agreement with the Water Street Properties for use of the Centennial Beach parking lot. Rental revenues for the Knoch Knolls Nature Center and Fort Hill Activity Center are included in the budgets for those respective facilities. Rental revenues for picnic pavilions and athletic fields are included within the Parks Department budgets.

Rental Revenues for Commercial Use Licenses, Photography permits and fees incurred for rental cancelations are included in the Customer Service Budget. Facility rental revenues are projected to end the year below budget at $17,600. This is partially due to the increased usage of these rentable spaces by the District’s in-house programming. Other contributing factors for the budget shortfall include Seager Park’s use for outdoor rentals and the lack of Sunday availability. In 2024 we will be moving away from the preferred caterer option to allow for less restrictive

food choices. We are anticipating a similar number of indoor rentals for the 2024 budget. The 2024 budget includes the addition of one full-time staff position. This position’s primary responsibility will be to coordinate community- wide special events as it relates to the rental of the District’s Parks and Facilities. The number of large, community-wide special events has increased over the last few years and the oversight that it now needs requires the attention of a dedicated staff person. This position will communicate with and work closely in coordination with outside groups and local and State agencies such as the City of Naperville and the health departments.

FACILITY RENTALS FINAL 2021 FINAL 2022 BUDGET 2023 PROJECTIONS 2023 BUDGET 2024 2024 VS. 2023 PROJ % 2024 VS. 2023 BUDGET % REVENUE Rental Income $13,955 $28,640 $24,000 $16,610 $19,735 3,125 19% ($4,265) -18% Miscellaneous 1,000 2,100 1,500 1,000 2,848 1,848 185% 1,348 90% Total Revenue 14,955 30,740 25,500 17,610 22,583 4,973 28% (2,917) -11% EXPENSES Wages & Benefits 72,540 72,540 0% 72,540 0% Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 72,540 72,540 0% 72,540 0% Surplus/(Deficit) $14,955 $30,740 $25,500 $17,610 ($49,957) ($67,567) -384% ($75,457) -296%

2024 BUDGET 68


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