

The sponsorship budget represents the revenues and expenses associated with securing and maintaining corporate sponsorships and advertising through the quarterly Program Guide, athletic partnerships and programs, general advertising, and facility and event sponsors. The impacts of budget-relieving, in-kind partnerships such as donations and food trade that assist other department budgets are included in monthly revenue totals when presented to board and staff throughout the year. Revenue in the 2024 sponsorship budget primarily reflects dollars directly associated with the sponsorship program; this revenue includes: athletic field banner sales, Program Guide and general advertising including digital, facility sponsorships and event advertising. Sponsorship dollars that impact specific programs and events are reflected in those respective budgets. Sponsorship revenue has increased from 2012- 2023, with the exception of a dip in 2020 due to unforeseen circumstances related to the pandemic. However, in 2023, the sponsorship program enjoyed yet another incredibly successful year. In Q3 we surpassed our $300k goal for the year. All revenue generated – approximately $300,000 through September 14, 2023 – is directly reflected in the individual program budgets within the Recreation Department and shown as advertising revenue in the Marketing Department budget.

The sponsorship program is currently up nearly 4% compared to 2022. Sponsorships for summer events including Children’s Lunch Hour Entertainment, Concerts in Your Park, and Kite Fly all sold out. This year’s A Night at the Movies series had the most sponsors we have seen in the event’s history. Additionally, sponsor revenue increased due to increased sales across the board including ballfield banners, branded hopscotch courts, golf range targets, feather banners at Centennial Beach, Naperbrook Golf Course and Springbrook Golf Course, and pickleball and tennis court decals. Additionally, new revenue-generating opportunities that sold very well included: paddleboat decals and the bags game decal at Centennial Beach. In 2023, we also introduced Sponsorships for the Naperville Community Fireworks Show and sold out the Grand Finale Title Sponsor as well as a lower tier sponsor level.

Continued successful management of the sponsorship/advertising program will focus on three primary goals: 1) renewing current sponsors with an added focus of encouraging them to increase their participation and contribution levels; 2) continuing to grow sponsorship inventory; and 3) identifying potential new partners. New and still-growing opportunities for outdoor advertising and the facility-based digital advertising across the District provide us with the ability to expand existing partnerships. In 2024, we will expand our sports field banner program to Wolf’s Crossing Community Park and we’re also exploring the potential of adding larger-scale sponsorship opportunities at our sports complexes and community parks.

0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000

2022 2021 2019 2020 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

2023 as of Sept. 14

2024 BUDGET 69


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