Ceracell Beekeeping Supplies (NZ) Ltd 09 274 7236 (Auckland) | Fax 09 274 0368 24 Andromeda Crescent, East Tamaki, Auckland PO Box 204184, Highbrook, Auckland 2161
Vita-Europe’s “One-Two” Punch For Varroa Control: Apistan and Apiguard Apistan used in rotation with the thymol based Apiguard almost guarantees you will not develop mite resistance in your hives When to use Apistan and Apiguard? Apistan can be used at any time of year, with best results when applied during a build up of brood prior to the honey flow, or after the honey flow.
Apiguard is best used when the weather is warm and consistently over 15ºC so not early in the spring. Place the trays or spread some gel on the cards provided and place on the top of the brood box frames as per the instructions on the packet, with room for the bees to get at the material. The concentrated natural ingredient encourages the bees to try and move the product out of the hive. This distributes the vapours of the thymol based Apiguard throughout the hive killing up to 97% of varroa mites.
Safety? When used according to the instructions, Apistan is unlikely to leave any residues in the honey. (If someone says otherwise they are either fools or deliberately trying to mislead you.) Apistan in the measured dosage strips and inserted into the hive as per the instructions is harmless to humans and honeybees. Apiguard , being a natural product derived from thyme is non-toxic to humans and does not affect honey or wax. It is approved in Europe as a varroa treatment for hives in organic honey production. Assurance? Apistan and Apiguard are flagship products of Vita-Europe, the world’s largest dedicated honeybee health company . Ceracell is pleased to be the selected Authorised New Zealand Distributor for Vita-Europe products and a proud member of Vita-Europe’s international team of ethical distributors. A good rotation plan is to use Apistan in the autumn or early spring and Apiguard in the late spring/early summer just prior to the honey flow, or immediately after you take off the honey. This keeps the bees busy removing the gel and will minimise robbing behaviour In ten to fourteen days, check the hive and add another tray or more gel. This will complete the treatment. If you want to be sure to cover two full worker brood cycles, treat again in fourteen days. Use the full recommended dosage each time. Don’t skimp - your bees and hives and honey crop are too valuable to try and save a dollar or two on an incorrect treatment.
AFB Diagnostic Test Kit
The Vita Europe American Foulbrood (AFB) Diagnostic Test Kit is an effective, efficient, in-the-field tool to confirm the presence of the disease. This single use kit is just like a pregnancy test kit, one line in the window tells you the test is working. Two lines means you have AFB. Inform Asure Quality, get a fire permit and burn the hive to stop the disease from spreading. AFB can be eliminated from NZ if it is identified and those infected hives are burnt. But you don’t want to burn false positives. Keep an AFB test kit handy every time you visit your apiaries. Save time and hassles.
Don’t Be a Sergeant Schultz!
For more information and videos demonstrating how to use their products visit Vita-Europe’s website, www.vita-europe.com
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