BRUCE WILLS (INDEPENDENT CHAIR) P: +64 6 834 9704 M: +64 27 234 1516 E: trelinnoe@clear.net.nz
DENNIS CROWLEY (C) Ph: +64 7 579 2554 E: crowleys@slingshot.co.nz
BARRY FOSTER (C) P: +64 6 867 4591 M: +64 27 449 7131 E: bjfoster@xtra.co.nz JOHN HARTNELL (M) M: +64 21 578 754 E: john@hartnellnz.com RUSSELL MARSH (C) M: +64 21 730 004 E: marshshoney@xtra.co.nz
STUART FRASER (M) M: +64 21 868 343 E: stuart@naturalsugars.co.nz
SEAN GOODWIN (M) M: +64 21 872 583 E: sean@purenewzealandhoney.com
RICKI LEAHY (C) P: +64 3 523 9354 E: beechdew@farmside.co.nz PAUL MARTIN (N) M: +64 27 262 9566 E: perenphord@xtra.co.nz
PETER LUXTON (M) M: +64 21 447 944 E: varpluxton@xtra.co.nz
M (Market), C (Commercial), N (Non-commercial)
APINZ REGIONAL CONTACTS: First named is President/Chairperson. The second named is Secretary.
NORTHLAND Interested parties wishing to start a regional hub, please contact the ApiNZ secretary: E: info@apinz.org.nz or P: +64 4 471 6254
HAWKE’S BAY John Berry 46 Arataki Rd, Havelock North 4130 P: +64 6 877 6205 E: jrberry@ihug.co.nz
CANTERBURY Barry Hantz E: barry@hantzhoney.co.nz Maggie James P: +64 3 324 4482 E: mjqueenb@xtra.co.nz
AUCKLAND Kim Kneijber P: +64 9 418 1302 E: kimk_bees@hotmail.com Clare McCallum E: clarem_66@hotmail.com WAIKATO Kim Poynter 374 B Hamurana Rd RD 7 Rotorua 3097 P: +64 21 926 937 E: birchwoodfarm@xtra.co.nz
Deanna Corbett P (Home): +64 6 876 8852 E: djcorbett@xtra.co.nz
OTAGO Frans Laas
SOUTHERN NORTH ISLAND Gary Sinkinson 189 Reid Line East Feilding P: +64 6 323 0554 E: sinkybees@xtra.co.nz Kate Smith Waireka Honey Centre Ltd 2221 State Highway 1 RD3 Palmerston North 4473 P: +64 6 324 8224 E: info@wairekahoney.co.nz NELSON Murray Elwood 21 Whiting Drive Wakefield P: +64 3 5418929 E: info@mountainvalleyhoney.co.nz Nicky Elwood 21 Whiting Drive Wakefield P: +64 3 5418929 E: info@mountainvalleyhoney.co.nz
Wildlife Solutions Ltd 102 Gladstone Road Mosgiel 9007 P: +64 3 489 4597 E: f-laas@xtra.co.nz
LIBRARIANS Roger and Linda Bray Braesby Farm, RD 1, Ashburton 7771 P/Fax: +64 3 308 4964 E: birdsnbees@xtra.co.nz
Pauline Bassett E: pjbee@actrix.co.nz
APIMONDIA OCEANIA COMMISSION Jodie Goldsworthy, President PO Box 450 Corowa NSW 2646 AUSTRALIA
BAY OF PLENTY Dennis Crowley PO Box 16156, Bethlehem, Tauranga 3147 P: +64 7 579 2554 E: crowleys@slingshot.co.nz
P: +61 2 6033 2322 M: +61 429 059 242 E: Jodie@beechworthhoney.com.au
POVERTY BAY Paul Badger 19A Pine St, Gisborne 4010 P: +64 6 868 4785 E: paulbadger48@outlook.com
Maureen Conquer, Vice President/NZ representative P: +64 9 292 8282 M: +64 21 956 349 E: maureen@wildforage.co.nz
TimMcAneney 11 Oak St, Gisborne 4010 P: +64 6 868 9446 E: tim@mcaneney.gen.nz
IF YOUR DETAILS HAVE CHANGED... ...please email editor@apinz.org.nz and info@apinz.org.nz so that we can update your details in the journal and on the ApiNZ website www.apinz.org.nz.
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