العدد 20– نوفمبر تشرين الثاني 2023

of this new technology. He ties major political concepts to the field of AI to explain the normative issues raised by this type of intelligence and shed light on pressing political issues and their relation to the uses of new technologies. Given the close intertwining of technology with societal, environmental and existential transformations, political philosophy in the 21st century no longer avoids what Martin Heidegger called "the question concerning technology". Coeckelbergh’s book derives its importance from its call for to reflect on what smart technology offers humanity and the possibility of it escaping human control, a matter subject to debate between proponents and detractors of its importance. However, despite the cognitive value of the book, its author seems to hold AI responsible for the political mazes of contemporary humanity, and things potentially slipping from from its hands, allowing AI to eliminate what political modernity has established since the enlightenment era. Keywords: AI, freedom, equality, justice, democracy, power

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