العدد 20– نوفمبر تشرين الثاني 2023

warfare. The expansion and increasing role of AI applications, particularly in the military, defence and security fields, are expected to lead to a number of critical challenges. These include the development of entirely new military, security and national strategies, departing from the conventional practices of traditional leadership. In fact, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has become a testing ground for modern technology and AI in armed conflict, as well as in strategic and combat tactics, especially among major powers. The integration of AI in armament and defence systems raises fundamental questions, including what the impact of AI is on deterrence and counter-deterrence strategies, whether there are limits to machine intelligence in making critical decisions, whether there is a significant distinction between human intelligence and artificial intelligence, whether we will reach a point where this distinction fades away, and whether machines can possess consciousness and awareness. Hence, the international community is striving to establish essential principles to govern the use of AI. However, there is currently no guarantee that everyone will adhere to these standards and assurances, and there lies the greatest concern. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, weapons, Military, Warfare, Srategies, Decisions

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