A few editions ago, we talked about what dental crowns are and how they help your teeth. Dental crowns — also known as dental caps — go on top of your damaged tooth to improve its function, make it look like your normal tooth, and help protect the remaining tooth structure. But exactly what can lead up to needing a dental crown? Dentists usually recommend a dental crown if the damage on your tooth is too extensive for a dental filling. While there are many reasons a dental crown may be necessary, here are three of the most common dental conditions that may require treatment with a dental crown. AFTER ROOT CANALS Root canal procedures are necessary when the pulp in the roots of a tooth becomes infected, sometimes causing severe tooth pain and/or abscess. Root canal procedures involve hollowing out the canals in the roots of the infected tooth. Endodontists remove the infection and fill the hole with a temporary filling material until the root heals and you can have it permanently filled by your regular dentist. In some cases, the hole can be repaired with a standard filling; however, often the damage is so extensive that the tooth’s structural integrity is compromised and a dental crown is necessary to strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure. EXCESSIVELY WORN OUT TEETH Many factors can contribute to premature or excessive wearing of teeth. Highly acidic diets and gastrointestinal conditions, like Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), can lead to excessive wearing of the enamel. Patients who suffer from bruxism or chronic grinding of teeth can also have excessively worn teeth. This can cause cracks in teeth, temperature sensitivity, pain while chewing, and other issues. Dental crowns on affected teeth can alleviate these symptoms. AESTHETIC IMPROVEMENTS A dentist can use dental crowns to improve the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth. Dental crowns can also close the gaps between teeth, which can be both aesthetically pleasing and functional — food gets trapped more easily in gaps between teeth, leading to greater risk of decay. WHAT DENTAL CONDITIONS REQUIRE DENTAL CROWNS?
With spring officially underway, April showers starting to bring May flowers, and Earth Day on April 22, now is a great time for outdoor family activities. ONE FOR THE BIRDS Making a pine cone bird feeder is a fun and inexpensive project. In addition to creating and hanging your bird feeder, you’ll get hours of extra entertainment from watching the birds it will attract to your yard. If your kids are older, take photos of the birds or note their colors and features and look them up in a field guide or online. This craft just requires a pine cone (the bigger the better), peanut butter, and some twine or string. Top the peanut butter with “sprinkles” of mixed birdseed or small pieces of nuts and fruit to appeal to even more birds. For full instructions, visit TheSpruce.com and search “pine cone bird feeder.” AN EGG-CELLENT PLANTER Save those eggshells from breakfast (and the paper carton, too!) and use them to start a garden! Your little ones will enjoy planting some seeds, watering them, and watching them sprout and grow into something new. When the sprouts are big enough and it’s warm enough outside, you can plant the shell and carton directly into the ground! This easy project just requires rinsed eggshell halves, some lightly moistened potting soil, and seeds of your choosing. Note that smaller seeds, like those for herbs, lettuces, peppers, or tomatoes, work best for this project. For full instructions, visit GardenBetty.com and search “starting seeds in eggshells.” STICK WITH MAGIC Nature is a magical place. Many kids know this instinctively and often point out things adults take for granted or overlook, like bright-colored leaves, fun-shaped rocks, and acorn “hats.” Making a nature wand is a great way to let your kids explore their environment, whether that’s in your backyard, on a neighborhood walk, or in your favorite park. Let their imaginations run wild with what their magic wand can do! This simple project starts with a stick and masking tape. Your kids add all the extra flair by hunting for natural treasures and sticking them onto their wand. Complete instructions can be found at LaughingKidsLearn.com/nature-wands-outdoor-play . WITH 3 FUN EARTH DAY PROJECTS SPROUT YOUR KIDS’ IMAGINATION
If you have questions about whether a dental crown could help any dental condition you’re experiencing, we’re always happy to answer questions and have
Dr. Brooks take a look for you. Having tooth problems that require crowns is not ideal, but when necessary, crowns really are a good
investment, last a long time, and treat a lot of dental issues.
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