King's Business - 1917-10

The Great New Gospel Song Book that will be used in the evangelistic campaign to be conducted ^in September and October by Billy Sunday at Los Angeles is now ready and is unquestionably a triumph of gospel song-book making. Rodeheaver song-books are built for front rank service in forceful, intensive! effective evangelistic warfare and in this book has been marshalled a batallion of songs and hymns that will lead from victory to victory when mustered into the service of any live, red-blooded pastor and congregation and churches that need an infusion of new life and vigor w ilt be well on the way to become live, red-blooded propositions when they enlist the forceful, efficient aid of this great gospel song-book. It is edited, and compiled b y the two leaders in the gospel song field— HOMER A. RODEHEAVER and CHAS. H. GABRIEL who have done the seemingly impossible in surpassing all previous efforts. We have not the space here for adequate detail, so refer you to the coupon below for immediate and complete examination by yourself at our expense. GOSPEL HYMNS AND SONGS is issued in three bindings and furnished promptly at the following prices: Cloth, $25.00; Limp, $18.00; Manila, $15.00 per hundred, hot prepaid. Singje copies, cloth 35c; Limp 2Sc; Manila 20c; Postpaid. THE RODEHEAVER COMPANY 1019 Monon Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. 619 Commercial Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. ' SEND THIS COUPON FOR QUICK ACTION 619 Commercial Bldg., Philadelphia. Please send me at once, carriage prepaid one............... . ........................... ........ bound copy o f *aGospel Hymns and Songs** for examination. 1 will either return the book in good condition in fifteen days or will remit stamps in payment. Name .... .,......................................— ------ ............-----------------------------.............. Local Address.—,.:..»......_____—-———... -— —....———— .............. Street and No. or R. F. D. Post Office ___________...... —— .............. . State— ------ ------ -----—....... Be sure to specify Binding wanted. Cloth-bound is 35c per copy, limp 25c, and manila 20c. , THE RODEHEAVER COMPANY, 1019 Monon Bldg., Chicago.

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