King's Business - 1917-10



day; all of them faithful in the allotted lessons and tasks assigned them. These men came for definite, specific study. In tents and dormitories these men of God were made to feel at home, their physical needs were abundantly provided for, and their moral, mental and spiritual needs equally well cared for. The teaching at the Ministerial Insti­ tute offered a splendid variety, all of which aimed toward the magnifying of the Word of God. Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, pre­ sented studies in the “Fundamental Doc­ trines of the Christian Faith” and also gave lectures on “Personal Soul Winning” and on “Evangelism.” Dr. William Evans, Associate Dean of the Institute, held classes in “The Synthetic Study of the Bible,” taking up particularly, the Gospels and the Acts; he lectured also on “Homi­ letics,” and “The Teaching ot the Bible in Popular Bible Classes.” Dr. M. G. Kyle, Professor of Biblical Archaeology in the Theological Seminary of the United Pres­ byterian Church, Xenia, Ohio, lectured daily on The Bearing of Archaeological Research on the Integrity, Authenticity and Authority of the Scriptures. Dr. W. H. Griffith-Thomas of Wycliffe College, lec­ tured daily on “Evidences of Christianity,” and “Matters Pertaining to Bible Criti­ cism.” All in all it was a splendid and all around course of study for ministers, missionaries and evangelists. SPIRITUAL BLESSING Mention should be made of the wonder­ ful meetings of spiritual . blessing and power which were held by the ministers themselves. The brethren will never for­ get the outpouring of blessing that came at the sunrise, after-dinner and sunset meetings. Doubtless many a minister will go back to his church with a new spiritual power and a deeper devotional life as a result of these group prayer meetings. They will not easily be forgotten—these meet­ ings under the apple tree and on the hill­ side. The cosmopolitan character of the men

present may be seen by the fact that at the last evening devotional service John 3:16 was repeated by one brother from Africa, speaking in two dialects; one from China; one Greek; two Welsh; one Italian; one Lettish, and one German. The Ministerial Institute was not only a blessing to the ministers themselves, but also to the town of Montrose. Evening lectures, some of which were illustrated, were delivered in the Presbyterian church of the town, by Dr. Kyle, dealing with “Palestinian Life,” and by Dr. Griffith- Thomas, who spoke on “Life at Oxford, England.” The following extracts from the letters of the Ministers who were in attendance speak for themselves: “I tried to see you before I left Mont­ rose to express my personal appreciation of what I received from you and the Insti­ tute. I went to Montrose with an open but Interrogatory state-of mind. I was not sure what I would get or how valuable it would be. I expected the work would prob­ ably be more hortatory and inspirational. . I found it thoroughly scholarly, practical, helpful and far more inspirational than I conceived possible. I believe the Institute met a real need and has done incalculable good. Many of the men had not had the best of advantages. Others had been upset by radical criticism in the Seminaries and were considerably at sea. They were taught scholarly habits, and openly rejoiced in the confirming of their faith. Let me add that I heard no adverse criticism; of the Institute whatever and I was there the entire time.”—C. H. D THE TEACHERS “All that the Ministerial Institute of the Montrose Bible Conference has meant to me, and all it shall mean in the coming days to those who shall come under the teach­ ing and influence of my ministry cannot be tabulated until the Master, himself, shall give the sum-total of all my earthly service. I thank God for the privilege of sitting at the feet of men like Drs. Torrey, Evans, Kyle and Griffith-Thomas, whose teach-

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