King's Business - 1917-10



guage. A lot of fine Dutch soldiers they were on their way to far off Batavia. Another incident, showing how the Word is received, happened a week after the Scripture was distributed on a Japanese tramp steamer, when a Japanese was help­ ing us in a service on that boat. Coming for a noon-day service the captain’s cabin was given for rest and to await the clear­ ing off of the captain’s and officers’ table. Then the captain summoned every man under his command to come to the ship’s dining-room to hear the message. The captain himself and all his officers took their places in order. The captain opened the service by announcing the workers, and before all of his men thanked us for the Scriptures left and giving the promise of himself and men saying that they would study the books. The timé was only too short, but worker and interpreter, we know, were Used of God to preach to these men as they were eager to listen. It was a remarkable favor for the captain to give us all these privileges, himself not being a Christian, as otherwise no sailor or fire­ man has access to these quarters.

launch the Lord has given us for the work, Chinese, Dutch and Java Scriptures were placed in the “Bread basket,” and up thé side of the vessel, on a swinging rope lad­ der, the worker went.. It was thought that one or two men he saw in strange uniforms on deck, were perhaps sailors in the uni­ form of the Netherlands government, and so putting down the hand-bag and opening it, we gave each some tracts and a gospel. One of them disappeared while the other one talked with the “missionary.” In an instant there emerged from several places leading below deck, a dozen or more men, and in a few minutes the place was black with people and all asked for literature, either in Dutch or Malay, and so insistent were they in their pleadings for more when the whole supply was exhausted, that there was nothing else to do but to climb down the ladder to get more. Already over eight weeks on the journey, with nearly three months’ voyage ahead, these men were starved, open and eager, and their appre­ ciation true. The Lord gave us a splendid time and we have, two addresses to follow­ up, even though unable to speak their lan­



Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.

A S one looks over the work, and the privileges he has, it is to this conclu­ sion he comes—that it is the little things in life that make the big things in eternity, or anywhere else, for that matter. For example, let us cite one instance, which occurred in the course of this month s work. The club is situated on one of the down town streets, and of course, many men pass by. A worker standing in the doorway giving out tracts has a great and wonder­ ful opportunity of spreading the blessed gospel of the Son of God. It was on a morning when one of the

workers was doing this work, that a young man strolled along the street. He was handed a tract and asked about his soul. He replied that he had not been saved and that he did not think it was possible to be saved. He also stated that he read Bob Ingersoll. Nevertheless, it was soon found that he had no peace (Isa. 57:21), and in it all was looking for the truth. His mother, a fine Christian, had passed away a few months before, and he knew there was something in her life that he did not have. He was willing to find out, and so after dealing with him for an hour or so, we

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