King's Business - 1917-10



people they must “have their good times” before becoming Christians. “Come to luncheon some time when I am not expecting you. I have a young daughter, unsaved; I wish you might talk with her.” The invitation was given by a member of a Bible class, and at the first opportunity, I said to her after the morn­ ing class: “Won’t you take me home to lupcheon with you? Just a cup of tea, you know.” '"} ■ I The little daughter was quite ill, just able to sit up, and while the mother was busy preparing luncheon, I talked with her about high school, football and tennis, asking the Lord to make an opening for me to speak of the one great subject. But I found that He meant me to make the opening for myself, and as I saw the preparations for luncheon almost completed, I asked her if she was a Christian. She seemed so reluc­ tant to discuss the subject that I almost feared I had made a mistake, but before I left the home she had promised that she would settle the question before she slept that night. She not only kept that promise, but hastened to make public confession of Christ in uniting with the church, so that when she came into the Bible class with her mother two weeks later, the ladies quite surprised me by saying, “Did you know that she is one of us now?” She has been so faithful in her attendance at this ladies’ Bible class, and is counting on doing work for the Lord in connection with the high school, for all traces of the illness are fast disappearing.

A member of one of the Bible classes, has become thoroughly awakened to the need of personal work in soul winning. Lunching down town one day, she entered into conversation with a lady at the table, a perfect stranger, and found her to be living in the vicinity of the home in which the Bible class was being held. She also learned that the woman was lonely, and invited her to attend the class. The invb tation was accepted, and during the third lesson at which she was present, she inter­ rupted the Bible woman who had been speaking of the glorious future of the Church, using the expreession “we”. “What do you mean by saying ‘we’?” She was told that the “we” referred to Christians, those who had been saved by the work of Christ on Calvary’s cross, and the way of salvation was explained. It was easy to see that the woman was not only unsaved but unhappy, and at the close of the les­ son, a little talk with her brought out the fact that for years she had been rejecting Christ, knowing the way of salvation, and her need, and that she was the child of a Christian mother whom she was about to visit. “Are you sure I have not commit­ ted the unpardonable sin ?” How glad we were to point out to her what the unpar­ donable sin was, and follow it up by the message of the Lord that “Whosoever will may come,” and she came. But she has gone home to tell her mother the glad news that no longer need she fear eternity with­ out Christ for her daughter.

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R. H. Bender, Supt.

I BELIEVE it was the pioneer Mission­ ary to China, Morrison, who when asked as to the prospects of the conversion of ,the Chinese, said “As bright as the

promises of God.” We praise God that we who are laborers together with Him, know that our labor is not in vain in the Lord, and furthermore assured of His promise

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