King's Business - 1917-10



ularly, morning and evening, a small dose of opium. The drug is given in the form of dried extracts, procurable in the bazaar at a trifling cost. Children are never brought to us for treatment because of the results of the habit (for the parents are honestly unaware of the connection between cause and effect) but on account of some special ailment, indirectly due to the drug. It is gratifying to find in how many cases the mothers are willing to carry out treat­ ment when the condition is explained to them, and to see how quickly the .little patients respond, unless the case is hope­ lessly advanced.” NEW ZEALAND. More than eighty of the once cannibal Maoris of New Zealand have become cler­ gymen of the Anglican Church. A num­ ber of the Maoris sit as members of the legislature of New Zealand. Practical Work for the Soldiers Paul Dwight Moody has given up his church at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, to work among the soldiers of New Zealand. He writes: “The first thought of some of the men on entering the army is that there is nothing in the wbrld so Godless as a camp and so remote from the best things as mil­ itary life. Before many days they revise this opinion. It is all too true that there is much to offend, but along with it is a spirit of service and self-sacrifice that goes a long way towards offsetting first impres­ sions. Unfortunately there are temptations which come to men with greater force when cut off from the refining influences of home...................Recently I made a tour visiting some of the men of my regiment who are scattered in lonely, places. Wher­ ever I went, so far as possible, I suggested to the churches that they look after the comfort and happiness of the little groups guarding their bridges and railroad approaches, in much the same way as the Y, M. C. A. is doing in the larger camps.” V. V. Edding writing from La Asun­

cion, Isle of Margarita, Venezuela, says: “Well, praise the Lord! We are actually on the frontier fighting line. We came on a boat with only ten small cabins, and there were 16S passengers. We found a place large enough to extend our small folding cot on the deck, and they piled trunks and boxes on three sides of us, which left us a little state-room of our own, with the umbrella held over the head of the baby to keep off the wind and rain. The baby was a sport and kept our spirits up and demanded her three meals a day whether it made me sick to get them or not. When we landed the Lord gave me His verse for the day—‘I go to prepare a place for you.’ A friend had been busy looking up houses and when I met him he said ‘This is the house the Lord has prepared for you.’ ...................The people on the Island do not even know there is awvar. . . . “Miss Cooper, missionary to the Indians in the San Bias Islands, off the coast of Panama, came to the Assembly at Hebron. I have never known such a power for God. Her life and remarkable experiences sound like the Acts of the Apostles. Such faith in God. “Mrs. Eddings went out for a walk with Miss Winger (the new missionary from Fresno, California) when the locusts came, descending like a cloud, covering every­ thing and them, which would mean ttotal destruction of the crops. They found a little sheltered place beside the path and knelt down and implored God to deliver them from the ravages of this awful pest. They told Him this was His ground and to preserve it. When they rose from their knees every insect had disappeared, for which we truly praise God. “The poor people^ the native church of Christ in Caracas, gave $24.40 toward send­ ing us to this new field, a thing abso­ lutely unheard of in these regions.” Georgia Miss Mary N. Spooner, writing from Toccoa, Ga., says. “This is not my first impressions of my ‘station’ for I am not

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