King's Business - 1917-10

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sets forth Christ’s ability to save the sinner and perfect the saint. I. The ability to save requires: 1. A knowledge of the sinner’s needs. This Christ possesses (John 2:24, 25; cf. Psjdm 139; John 4:16-19, 29). 2. A desire to save. Christ is willing. For that purpose He came into the world (cf. Luke 19:10; Matthew 8:2,3). 3. Infinite power. Christ possesses this (Matthew 1:18; 28:18). II. The human element in salvation. 1. Trust in Christ’s ability to save. We must believe that He is not only willing, but a complete, full Saviour. 2. Obey His command to “come." The promise is that He is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by Him. C onclusion . Theme: The Triumph of Earnestness in Seeking Christ. T ext : Luke 19:1-10. I ntroduction : Compare the context: Luke 15:1, 2; 18:24, 27). He was rich and a publican—both of which are obstacles to salvation. 2. His desire and purpose: to see Jesus. (a) Because of curiosity. (b) Because of his moral needs. It was this man’s restless longing for I. The sinners seeking Christ. 1. The position of Zacchaeus.

Theme: Christ’s Three Commands. T ex t : “Take ye away the stone.”—“Laz­ arus, come forth,”—“Loose him, and let him go” (John 11:39, 43, 44). I ntroduction : We have in this touching and impressive scene of domestic life three commands from Jesus Christ: I. 4 command to the living. Apply this to the removal of obstacles in the way of the gospel—e. g., drunkenness, evil habits, inconsistency, etc. II. A command to the dead: Lazarus, come forth.” 1. A pathetic call—“He cried.” 2. A vehement call—‘‘Loud voice.” 3. A stirring call—“Come forth.” III. A command to the bystanders—"Loose him, and let him go ’’ 1. Freedom from sin. 2. Freedom to “follow on to know th« Lord.” , Lessons: 1. Conversion precedes action; we must be made “loose” before we can “go.” 2. The same tender voice that awoke the dead one (Lazarus) is now ready to whis­ per peace to every soul. 3. Every home ought to be honored with the presence of Jesus. — Rev. A. Idris Mainwaring, Ph. D. Theme: A Great Saviour. T ext : Hebrews 7 :25. I ntroduction : This verse is the heart of the gospel and

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