King's Business - 1930-04


Sunday School Supplies Our Catalogue is a “Treasure Mine“ Free to all Sunday School Teachers and Officers EASTER SUPPLEMENT The House of a Thou­ sand Things for the Church and Sunday- school. Now Ready Write for it

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The Acts of The Holy Spirit

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By Arthur T. Pierson T HIS splendidly w ritten book by this prince of expositors vividly v isu al­ izes afresh for you the in ­ filling— out-w orking of the H oly Spirit through believ­ ers in the first century of the Christian Church. The experiences are so co n ­ vincingly translated i n t o present-day language that when you have finished the book, you are assured that t h i s sam e infilling— o u t­ w orking of the H oly Spirit is entirely possible for us here and now. Add this book to your list. C loth $1.00



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*^ 9 he K in g ’s ^Business W il lia m P . W h it e , D .D ., E ditor J. E . J aderq uist , P h .D ., M a n a g in g E ditor Motto: "I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.” Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Volume XXI April, 1930 Number 4 Table of Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor.................................. 171 Editorial Comment .... .. .......... | ........... ...... -................ - : ......-173 The Risen Christ—Dr. E. L. McCreery............ -,-........................... 175 The Heart of the Gospel-—Rev. W. S. Bowden....—........................177 The Eastern Gate—Rev. Ronald R. Kratz....................................-180 The Remarkable Language of a Neglected People •■T 7 -W. Cameron Townsend..... ...... ....... :.......— ...... 182 The Three Greatest Religious Wonders—H. C. Thiessen.............184 The Christ of Truth—-Harold F. Graham........ ..... ............. ;........186 The Salvation of Scripture—-The Extent—B. B. Sutcliffe..:....... 188 Gleanings from the Harvest Field................................................. 190 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers -^«¡¿•Florence Nye Whitwell....................................................... 192 Radio KTBI .... .................. .................... - - ........ ........................ -.-196 The Regions Beyond ................................. -. ................. -................. 197 To the Jew F ir s t.............................................. -................................ 198 The Junior King’s Business—Sophie Shaw Meader.......................199 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell............... .................... ...... .....201 Homiletical Helps for Preachers and Teachers..........'................... 202 International Lesson Commentary.........................................-....... 203 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce.............................213 Our Literature Table................................... -..................................... 216 Daily Devotional Readings....................—.... -...................................217

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POLICY AS D E F IN ED BY T H E BOARD OF D IRECTORS OF TH E B IBLE IN ST I­ TUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a ) To sta n d fo r th e in fa llib le W ord of God a n d its g re a t fu n d am e n ta l tru th s , (b) To s tre n g th e n th e fa ith of a ll b elievers, (c) To s tir y o u n g m en an d w om en to fit th em se lv es fo r an d e n g ag e in definite C h ristia n w ork, (d) To m ak e th e B ible I n s titu te of Los A ngeles know n, (e) To m ag n ify God ou r F a th e r a n d th e p erson, w o rk and com ing of o u r L ord Je su s C h rist; an d to tea ch th e tra n s fo rm in g p ow er of th e H oly S p irit in o u r p re se n t p ra c tic a l life, ( f ) To em ­ p h asize in stro n g , c o n stru c tiv e m essa g es th e g r e a t fo u n d a tio n s of C h ristia n faith.

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S 3 6 -5 5 8 S. H op e St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angele*, Calif.

“ Behold, I have set before thee An OPEN DOOR Revelation 3:8.

It's the Door o f Opportun ity —Open to Every Christian Young Man and W om an The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

Offers You an Unparalleled Opportunity to Obtain Thorough, Practical and Effi - cient Bible Training for Christian Service T his lo n g established a n d well g ro u n d e d o rg a n iz atio n is c o n ­ d u cted fo r th e sole p u rp o se of tra in in g y o u n g m en a n d w om en in th e know led g e of th e Bible a n d d ifferen t form s of C h ristia n service. It is a definitely p ra c tic a l aid in m ee t­ ing th e grow in g dem an d fo r lea d ers in C h ristia n activities th ro u g h o u t th e C h u rc h of C h rist— an in stitu tio n p a rtic u ­ larly well fitted to in itiate a n d c a rry on its chosen w ork.

Dr. W illiam P. W hite President Dr. Elbert L. McCreery Dean of Faculty The Faculty C om p rises c o n se cra te d m en a n d w om en w hose p e rso n a l qualifications, sch o lastic tra in in g a n d spir- J itu a l ex p erien c e a b u n d a n tly eq u ip th em to p re p a re Bible In stitu te stu d e n ts fo r lives of C h ristian service. The Strategic Location th e stu d e n t body* a full q u o ta of class room s, a n d a u d ito riu m w ith a p p ro x im a te ly 4 0 0 0 seats. Its situ atio n in b e a u ti­ ful S o u th e rn C alifo rn ia a ssu re s a con g en ial e n v iro nm en t fo r stu d y u n d e r th e m ost fav o rab le clim atic conditions, w hile its lo ca tio n in th e ra p id ly grow in g m etro p o lis of L os A n g e les a ffo rd am ple o p p o rtu n ity fo r p ra c tic a l w o rk w hile studying. T h e In stitu te o ccu p ies its ow n well c o n stru c te d fire-p ro o f buildings— fitted w ith every m o d ern a p p lia n c e a n d eq u ipm en t, ov er 6 0 0 com fo rtab ly fu rn ish e d room s fo r

Courses o f Study

T h e c o u rses a re com p reh en siv e a n d th o ro u g h , c o v erin g ev ery b ra n c h of tra in in g fo r C h ris­ tia n w o rk— e ach te a c h e r’s p e rso n a l ex p erien c e a d d in g g re a tly to th e practical v alue of the



Other Activities

A practical a p p lic atio n of th e c lassro om in stru c tio n is a ffo rd ed th ro u g h th e a ssig nm en t of stu d e n ts to v a rio u s form s of C h ristia n effo rt in th e c h u rc h e s of th e ir ow n d en om in atio n th ro u g h o u t th e city.

TU IT ION IS FREE BOARD AND ROOM $8 .5 0 PER W EEK CA T A L O G AND COM PLETE IN FORM A T ION ON REQUEST RETURN TH E CO U PO N TODA Y— NO OBL IGATION Bible Institute of Los Angeles s*-558 *»«» hop « s ™«. Los Angeles, California Bible Institute of Los A ngeles, 536-558 South Hope St., Los A ngeles, Calif. Please send com plete details regarding the Christian T raining of The Bible Institute of L os A ngeles: “Opportunity’s Open Door for Christian Y oung People.’*






T h e

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April 1930


romtheK ing’s

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------------- -------By the Editor

tion of a second when the moon shall be eclipsed or the morning star pass across the face of the sun ten thousand years to come. Not one of them faileth or comes a moment tardy to its place. What wisdom here! And all that wisdom is at the command of our need. “ Why say- est thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God? Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that

Need and Supply HE measure of God’s supply is His riches in glory. Paul was deeply impressed by the riches of God. The word is constantly falling from his lips and from his pen: “Riches of mercy,” “riches of grace,” “riches- of glory,” “unspeak­ able riches.” He evidently had repeated glimpses into the treasury of God and was impressed by its abun­

the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his un­ derstanding. He g i v e t h power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” What d e p t h in our hearts is beyond His knowl­ edge? What entanglement in our affairs can He not unravel? What moving of outside forces can He not control ? What machina­ tions of adverse influence can He not confound? He that guides Arcturus and binds the influences of the Pleiades, is at the service of our honest need. A deeper glimpse of the riches of God’s glory is seen in the displays of His love. If God would supply all our need, He must be rich in power, in wisdom, and rich also in love. There n e e d s which neither are power nor wisdom can sup­ ply. Though His p o w e r turn every stone to bread, man does not live by bread alone. Though His wisdom make every star shine with knowledge, man does not live by information alone.

dance. He felt himself the child of a rich Father, and permitted to draw on Him for every legitimate -need. The door of that treasury is open to all of us. We may look and satisfy our­ selves ; we can see more than Paul ever saw. God’s riches of glory are seen in the manifesta­ tions of His power. He that would supply all our need must be rich in power. "Lift up y o u r eyes cm high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.” Our world, the planets and the suns, are only a few grains of Sand on the illimitable shores of space, all flung with worlds which are already on into the hundred millions, and on which the eyes and the arithmetic of man fail ; and all are the products of God’s power. God Himself challenges us, in our hours of need and of tumidity, to look into this treasury of His power.- What need of ours to­

When Shall I Pray? By E velyn I ren e S pottswood (Pomona, Calif .)

When shall I pray, dear Father in heaven ? Teach me to know the time and the way; When to Thy children attention is given, Whether in darkness or whether by day? Came a sweet voice to my spirit, soft saying, - “Child, I ’m ne’er weary of hearing thy voice, Over the world everywhere mine are praying, For special prayer I allow thee thy choice. “Enter thy closet, I ’ll ever be waiting, Ready to listen and answer thy prayer; But be thou careful lest Satan, belating Thy time of coming, shall hinder thee there. Thou maycst pray to me, child, without ceasing, I read the heart, not the words of thy lips, Then shall thy fervor in prayer be increasing, Drinking the cup from which love ever sips. “Heart to heart talk, whether silent or spoken, Prayer, 0 my child, is the voice of. thy heart, Sing me thy song, tho’ thy lips show no token, I shall acknowledge that faithful thou art. Come thou in faith, to thy kind, loving Father; Doubt not He heareth, and gives what is best; Seek His throne boldly, there’s no need of awe there, For like a mother He’ll soothe thee to rest. “Come for the clasp of My hand in the mormng, Come to be guided aright through the day; - Come to be given the spirit’s adorning, ■ Come for thy morning kiss; child, Come alway. Then at the noontime, the midnight, and ever, Bring me thy burden, thy sorrow, thy care; Then fear thou not, there is nothing shall sever My child from Me; I will answer thy prayer.

There are needs of the heart, the affections and the con­ science, and the whole moral nature, that can be supplied only by love. What, if anything, can lift a man out of the fearful pit and the miry clay of sin? There lies the greatest need. Is there anything in God’s riches of glory to supply this need? Lift up your eyes and behold. God is power, God is wisdom, but God also is love. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” At best, we can see only a part of God’s power, only glimpses of His wisdom; but in Jesus Christ, we see the very depths of His love. God was power before the world

day is too heavy for that power ? Can great or small have any meaning here ? What does it signify to the sea whether you launch a pleasure boat or a fleet of battle­ ships on its power? It carries them all as a little thing. What can it signify to God today whether our need is great or small ? Whether it is a child saying, “I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep” ; or whether it is John Knox, lay­ ing a kingdom ; or David Livingstone, a continent on his heart. Can we not safely cast all our cares on such riches ? God reveals His riches of glory in the displays of His wisdom. He that would supply all our need must be wise. .So perfectly balanced and adjusted are the complicated motions of the universe that we can calculate to the frac­


April 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

was created, but only there, at creation, it is revealed. God was wisdom before chaos became an ordered world, but there is it revealed. God was love before Bethlehem and Calvary, but there only is the fulness of it revealed. And all that love is at our command. “He that spared not his own Son, hut delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” What need of pardon is too heavy for that love, whether it be John leaning on His bosom, or the penitent thief inclining his head toward Him on the Cross; whether it be one Mary anointing His head with spikenard or another Mary bathing His feet with tears? Great or small has no meaning here. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall he as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” What need of daily grace for right living is too large for His love to supply? Is any cup so large that it cannot be filled by the over­ flowing of this river of God? What need of consolation is too heavy for this love to supply? “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” —o— God’s Purpose “My God shall supply all your need.” He proposes to supply every need-—not every want. I am glad the Lord’s purpose is to supply my needs rather than my wants. It would be a terrible thing for the Lord to supply all our wants. I once heard Mr. Moody say that one of his sons cried for his razor. It would be a cruel father who sup­ plied razors to his little children every time they.cried for them, and it would be a cruel God who would supply every want of His children, for we often want many things that would be to us a curse. The purpose of God is to supply our needs. We need to thank God every day that He makes a distinction between our wants and our needs. As an all-wise Father, He supplies the needs of His children in His power, His wisdom, and His love, even though that supply is not always welcome. The need may be a severe chastening; it may be a bed of sickness; it may be a wheel-chair; it may be the loss of property. The need may be the very thing we do not want. But what is the difference about our wants if our needs are all supplied? I shall never forget the first time I heard the hymn, “I ’m a Child of the King.” It was in a Sunday-school convention, and the singer was none other than Professor E. O. Excell. I was in my teens, and he was a very young man, but I can feel the thrill until this day, as I heard for the first time: “My Father is rich in houses and lands,

offering. He arose and said, “My brethren, my text today is: ‘He that [giveth to] the poor lendeth unto the Lord.’ And my sermon is : If you like your security—down with your cash. Pass the baskets.” That was a good sermon. It was on the text, and it was not too long. Child of God, filled with forebodings and tempted to worry, feast your eyes on God’s bank account. Look at His riches of power, His riches of wisdom, and His riches of love, and trust the integrity of God as He promises to supply every need of yours. And “let the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,” and that garrisons the heart and mind “through Jesus Christ,” be exhibited in your life as you walk in the midst of a worried world. :— o — Christian Fundam enta ls Association Convention T HE Bible Institute of Los Angeles has granted to the Christian Fundamentals Association the use of its auditorium for their conference which is to be held in Los Angeles, June 8 to 15, 1930. The Institute is the more happy to welcome this gathering because the pro­ gram will be constructive and informing, centering about the general theme of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Such subjects as “The Holy Spirit and Revival,” “The Holy Spirit and Education.” “The Holy Spirit and Missions,” “The Holy Spirit and Evangelism,” “The Holy Spirit and the Second Coming of Christ,” etc., will be discussed. Dr. J. O. Buswell, president of Wheaton College, is preparing the program for Monday, June 8, when Christian education will be considered. Rev. C. H. Benson, of the Moody Bible Institute, and others are preparing the program for Tuesday, when Sunday-school and summer-Bible-school work will receive attention. Los Angeles has become popular as a convention city. Doubtless many Christian leaders will combine this con­ vention with a vacation trip that will take in much of this grand western country. One large group from Philadel­ phia and vicinity is planning to come via Panama, return­ ing across the continent by rail. To all who come, the citizens and churches of Los Angeles and the Bible Insti­ tute family will give cordial welcome. Further information concerning the conference may he had by addressing Rev. Paul W. Rood, president of the Christian Fundamentals Association, Turlock, Calif. — o — Anniversary Campaign T HE special offer in connection with the Anniversary Campaign of T he K ing ’ s B usiness is meeting with a hearty response. During February there was a net gain of over 1,500 subscriptions and there seems to be every reason to believe that the same rate of increase will be kept up throughout the month of March. This anni­ versary offer is still open. Any individual or group may gather ten subscriptions at $1.00 each, the agent retaining $5.00 and remitting $5.00 to T h e K ing ’ s B u siness . Attractive book premiums are also available to those who send single subscriptions, either new or renewal. Consult the advertising pages for particulars. The following is one illustration of the hearty response given to our appeal: “Your special offer came in the morning mail. I at once made up the attached list. I have attached check for the twenty-one subscriptions.” Then this encouraging word comes from a pastor in Pennsyl­ vania : “I want to commend you in that your paper feeds the mind and heart in that you are true to the Word of God.”

I’m a child of the King, With Jesus my Saviour, I’m a child of the King.” —O— The Extent o f th e Supply

It is the purpose of God to supply all of our need “according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” No child of God has a right to worry until the riches of God’s glory have been exhausted. It is related of that quaint old London preacher, Rowland Hill, that he once attended a meeting in London, the special object of which was to raise money for the London poor. The speaker of the day failed to put in his appearance, and they called on Rowland Hill to speak, and make the appeal for the

April 1930


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ßditorial Gomment


The Tendency of Higher Education HERE is a protest, increasing rapidly in volume and approaching a rebellion, against the athe­ istic trend of higher education. That the Chris­ tian Church will rise up against it goes without saying. The seriousness of the situation is de­ scribed by Dr. E. E. Richardson in The Watch­ man-Examiner as follows: That there is a general inclination in cultural circles to do away with God or the essential elements of the Christian religion, is apparent on examination of the utterances of many of the accredited intellectual leaders. Says Eucken, of Germany: “Whether God exists or not is not important to the nature of religion.” William James . . . adds this statement: “I think the only God of man must be finite.” . . . Alexander, of Man­ chester University, has this to say: “God as an active, living deity does not exist.” These quotations could be multiplied at length. They are sufficient, it would seem, to afford a basis for the conclusion that the tendency of much of the higher education of today is away from religion in any supernatural sense. . . . Incidental to this same situation . . . is the lack of any clear knowledge of the Bible among teachers and students in many cultural circles..............There is often a superficial acquaintance with a small part of the Bible, this usually being such portions as appear to them to favor certain easy-going and humanitarian views which they elect to hold. The tendency thus described has been making rapid progress during the last half century. But less than fifty years ago, when the modern rationalistic attacks upon the Bible were getting under way and when, at about the same time, a number of new cults were beginning to draw many from the truth, God raised up new agencies to resist the tides of infidelity and delusion. Among these new instru­ ments were the Bible Institutes. The first three Bible schools sprang up almost simultaneously in London, New York, and Chicago. Each grew out of a genuine revival and missionary spirit. Their aim was to give a working knowledge of the Bible to many laymen, to make them soul winners, and then to thrust them out into needy fields as they might providentially open. There was no thought of displacing colleges and seminaries or of duplicating their work. Indeed, there was no need to do so at the time, for many of these schools were still loyal to the faith. In the years that have passed, Bible Institutes have multiplied and have’ grown in size and influence. They have been much maligned and misunderstood; but, as even their critics themselves will sometimes admit, they can be given credit for some very valuable contributions to the cause of Christ. They have trained and thrust forth thousands of strong Christian leaders into the harvest field at home and abroad; they have increased knowledge of the Bible and love for the Word, among laymen and clergymen alike; they have kept alive a zeal for soul winning; they have done much to hold preachers to expos­ itory preaching; they have put back into the churches zealous and effective workers—and much more. Sometimes the Institutes.have been wrongly blamed because they did not furnish highly educated, technically trained Christian leaders—something they did not have

in their program. It may be that very often there was ground for complaint about poor educational methods. Undoubtedly many mistakes have been made; neverthe­ less, results have been very worth while. The new tendency toward a rationalistic basis of edu­ cation in the schools of higher learning and the rapidly increasing number of Christian young people being grad­ uated from high schools and colleges, seems to be com­ pelling some changes in Bible Institute methods. There is an evident trend toward the enlargement of the curric­ ulum and the lengthening of the course of study. In some places theological colleges are appearing, which in cultural value measure up to the best college standards. All of this new movement springs out of a recognition that the Church needs well-trained Christian leaders who still retain the evangelistic fervor that brought into being the Bible training schools. If the older institutions have lost their vision and turned from the faith, it is inevitable that God will raise up new agencies to accomplish His purpose lest the truth perish from the face of the earth. —o— Naturalism , Modernism, and Hum an ism T HERE are various degrees of modernistic unbelief. They are sometimes classified as theistic, agnostic, and atheistic. The atheistic form revolts against all super­ naturalism. The conservative theistic type may sometimes appear to be closely allied with orthodox Christianity. Nevertheless, all of these types are based, not upon a divine revelation, but upon a naturalistic philosophy. The tendency is always toward the radical view, and indeed the radicals have been rapidly pressing toward the front in recent years. They have gained a _wide hearing and have been able to deceive many into "thinking that they have discovered a conception of God and of Christ far superior to that which the Church has accepted for nine­ teen hundred years. Just when proud and radical Modernism was begin­ ning to think that ancient orthodoxy was powerless to stop her onward progress, a new trouble has arisen to vex her, in the form of the new philosophy called Humanism. It is amazing to see how-Modernists are disturbed and even alarmed at this new development. One of their lead­ ers has gone so far as to suggest that Fundamentalists and Modernists should unite against this new and aggres­ sive foe. Why should there be any alarm or even surprise in the liberal camp? Humanism is the legitimate child of Mod­ ernism. In other words, it is simply Unitarianism carried to its logical conclusion. Once the belief in a supernatural revelation and a supernatural Christ is abandoned, the re­ sult will be the discarding of the belief in a personal God. And then it is but a little step to Humanism, which, according to one of its exponents, “finds all the springs of religion in the human heart and has no use for God, prayer, or worship.” Dr. R. K. Maiden, speaking through The Western Recorder, says, concerning Humanism :

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the spirit of this dead leader. A prominent missionary leader who is thoroughly familiar with the situation in China, writes to the Editor that he is inclined to question the accuracy of this statement. But he adds: “As to officials of government and students of government schools being required regularly to bow in obeisance before Sun Yat Sen’s portrait, I know this to be quite true. It is also true that pressure has been brought upon all missionary institutions of higher learning to conform, by stipulating that schools which do not exclude religious teaching and practice this obeisance to Sun Yat Sen will not be registered and thereby recognized by the govern­ ment, and their graduate's will not be considered eligible for positions in the government system. Many mission schools refuse this compromise, preferring to forfeit recognition, or, if need be, to close altogether rather than submit. Yet there are schools which conform rather than lose the advantage of gaining government and popular recognition. In doing this they take the ground that the ‘bowing’ implies only respect and not worship.” This demand of the Chinese Government appears to be a repetition of a former similar requirement of bowing before the portrait of Confucius. This order was given at a time when effort was being made to check the growing influence of Christianity and the popularity of mission schools. The movement was short lived and gave place to this new idea of deifying and heroizing Sun Yat Sen. The missionary leader above quoted says further: “The whole thing is a cheap boom and it is a question if it will survive long. For this reason I claim that compromise by missionaries and their schools is poor policy, no less than bad principle and inconsistent Christian practice. Even if it can not be proved conclusively that the ‘bowing’ signifies ‘worship,’ yet it is one of the doubtful things of which Romans 14 treats, and there is ho doubt that many Chinese Christians—the more spiritually minded—regard the matter as compromising and wrong.” A somewhat similar situation in India is described in an English exchange, The Citadel of Truth. Some months ago there appeared in a periodical published by one of the leading’and most popular Christian leaders of India, and one well known in America, the editor’s answer to the following query: “Why do Christians oppose idolatry? Hindus do not worship idols but use them to direct their thoughts toward God.” The answer was in part as fol­ lows: “It is quite legitimate to use a representation to help orte to think of God—an image showing His love, as a crucifix, would be helpful. . . . If we really only intend the image to help us to think of God, and are opposed to the worship of such images, then we must make sure that no ceremony of consecration ( prana- pratishtha) is performed Upon it. According to the Hindu tradition it is this ceremony which is regarded as making the idol sacred by bringing God into it. Before this cere­ mony it is only a piece Of wood or stone. . . . The best thing that reformers can do, therefore, is to start a move­ ment for the abolition of pranapratishtha. If this once isappeared, it would become clear afterward that those who still used idols used them only for the help they gave in directing the thought to God,” Surely this is treading very near the border line of denial of Christ and Christianity, and partnership with idolatry. The editor of The Citadel of Truth very aptly remarks: “The command was, ‘Thou shalt not MAKE unto thee any graven image.’ It was not merely a com­ mand not to worship.”

This . . . is the religion and the daring program of Humanism—a religion and program concerned with and con­ fined to the world. No knowledge, no thought, no care of another world and another life, a religion with God left out; a religion with Christ left out; a religion that takes no account of sin; a religion that makes man his own god and his own saviour and the maker of his own happiness; a religion of gloom and darkness; a religion that smothers the fires of hope and mocks the miseries of a miserable world. But why this notice and publicity of this godless, gloomy religion? For the one purpose of calling attention to its existence and pretensions; to its nature and its progress; that our people may know what Christianity is up against; that they may know something of the plans, purposes and programs of its militant foes. The world-situation is tremendously serious. Never was there a time when it was more needful, more imperative that God-lov­ ing, God-fearing, God-serving, loyal Christian men and women should give earnest heed to the exhortation, “Earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.” Neutrality or Definiteness D R. A. Z. CONRAD, well-known pastor of the his­ toric Park Street Congregational Church, Boston, never sounds an uncertain note. For many years he has proclaimed to conservative New England a constructive message with a positive emphasis, born of deep convic­ tion. At the heart of American Unitarianism, he has bold­ ly preached a Gospel that has exalted Christ, the Son of God and the Redeemer of sinful men. Dr. Conrad has been opposed, maligned and persecuted, but has prospered as he has held aloft the banner of the Cross. He has a right to speak with a bit of sarcasm that is without malice con­ cerning “modern Laodiceans” who are found “bowing assent to, every wind of doctrine in the name of peace.” He would have men believe their beliefs with a certainty that cannot be unsettled, and speak out their convictions with a clearness and definiteness that no amount of oppo­ sition can tempt them to change. The following para­ graph, written by Dr. Conrad for The Bible Champion, is worth repeating; A nauseating neutrality is the bane of religion. Only the positive aggressive note makes a successful leadership. The disposition to be all things to all men has its good features, but when dealing with matters of vital importance it simply will not do. Wherever there is positive conviction, well founded, there is sure to be a very, very clear declaration and an unequiv­ ocal decision. Not one step in human progress has been taken as the result of a soft and unthinking amiability. A senseless suavity never leads to great campaigns. Great ventures in the interests of Kingdom-building have been inaugurated by men with positive belief based on supernatural revelation. Convic­ tionless men are spineless and ineffective. Truth is truth and should have fearless advocacy. Right is right and demands fervent and zealous support. m ttfiQ u 't 0 Concessions to Heathen ism ^ HE tendency to surrender the claim of Christianity to be the one supreme divine revelation becomes more and more marked. Ethnic religions are held up as exhibitions of God’s revelation, similar to,’ though not perhaps of equal merit or value with, Christianity. The old idea that idolatry has no likeness to Christianity and must be utterly repudiated, has given way to a give-and- take policy. While thus the attitude of professed Chris­ tianity is becoming more conciliatory, the attitude of heathenism toward Christianity is, on the other hand, very frequently becoming more hostile. Matters are coming to a crisis in some lands,' and notably at present in China. It has been claimed that President Chiang Kai Shek goes daily to the tomb of Sun Yat Sen to commune with


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SUVv The Risen Christ B y D r . E. L. M c C reery (Dean of the Faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles)

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ING in the place of LIFE, not in the place of DEATH— not in a tomb.” How strangely these words must have sounded to their ears! But had not the Master Himself, before His awful suffering, spoken to them mysterious words—which then they had not understood—about suffering and death and the third day rising again? Could this be what He had meant them to understand by His words? Yes, this zvas' the third day! Truly the light is beginning to creep over their darkened, perplexed souls, just as that Easter sun

“Why seek ye the living among the dead?" “He is not here; for he is risen, even as he said. COME, SEE the place where the Lord lay.” —Luke 24:4-5; Matt. 28:6. HE vision of Christ upon the Cross left the dis­ ciples discouraged, disappointed, with their hope and expectation cast to the ground. The senti­ ment of the entire company of the disciples must in large degree have been reflected in the state­ ment of the two on their way to Emmaus, “But

is sending its radiant rays to an ever-widening h o r i z o n bringing a brightness beyond compare. Just as the rising sun dispels; the lingering dark­ ness, so the angelic messen­ gers were not to stop with a veiled announcement to the women; t h e y immediately follow it by II. T h e A ngel ’ s D eclaration A BOLD DECLARA­ TION of the SAVIOUR’S RESURRECTION— “He is not here; for he is risen, even as he said.” They not only thus assure the women that He is no longer to be found in a tomb, in the place of the dead, but they give the reason. It is, “for he is. risen, even as he said.” No thieves have covertly stolen away His body to further harrow the feelings of the sorrowing disciples. N o t

we hoped that it was he who. s h o u l d r e d e e m Israel.” T r u l y .redemption W A S WROUGHT OUT u p o n the Cross, but was not mani­ fested in its fulness either while the Saviour’s b o d y hung upon the Cross, or when it lay in the tomb. The glory of that FIRST EAS­ TER MORN was essential for the full revelation to man of the greatness of the power of God in the saving of a lost and sinful world. . Woman’s love, which lin­ gered last at the Cross and hastened earliest to the tomb, “at early morn, . . . on that first day of the'zveek,” was recompensed by being com­ missioned F I R S T to an­ nounce an empty tomb and a living Christ to the sorrow­ ing followers of the meek and lowly Nazarene.- Perplexed at finding the tomb EMPTY, the women who had brought the spices

Let Lis G o On B y A n n ie J o h n so n F l in t

Some of us stay at the Cross, Some of us wait at the tomb, Quickened and raised together with Christ, Yet lingering still in its gloom; Some o f us bide at the Passover feast With Pentecost all unknown — The triumphs of grace in the heavenly place That our Lord has made our own. I f the Christ who died had stopped at the Cross, His work had been incomplete, I f the Christ who was buried had stayed in the tomb, He had only known defeat; But the Way of the Cross never stops at the Cross, And the Way o f the Tomb leads on To victorious grace in the heavenly place Where the risen Lord has gone. So, let us go on with our Lord To the fulness of God He has brought, Unsearchable riches of glory and good Exceeding our uttermost thought; Let us grow up into Christ, Claiming His life and its powers ,— The triumphs of grace in the heavenly place That our conquering Lord has made ours

even have any of the timid disciples in the silent night watches bribed the guarding sentry' in order to secure the body of their beloved, to lay it in another and unknown tomb. No, His body had not been taken from the tomb. HE HIMSELF had gone forth from the sepulcher bear­ ing triumphant on His shoulders the gates and the bars and the pillars of the grave. He has overcome the last enemy—DEATH. His life of holiness has been vindicated by heaven, even though He had suffered as a criminal on the Cross. His claim of being God’s Son is verified by the Father Himself, who would not suffer His Holy One to see corruption. For it was He “who was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrec­ tion from the dead; even Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 1 : 4 ). Such is the divine answer in solution of the mystery of the empty tomb and the missing body of the crucified Christ. But how is the mystery explained by His enemies? If the body of Jesus was not raised from the dead, its dis-

which they had prepared were affrighted by the voice of the heavenly messengers— -“the two men who stood by them in dazzling apparel,” who announced to them the mystery. I. T h e A ngel ’ s Q uestion Their method of announcing the mystery is in address­ ing to the women a question. Luke 24:5; “Why seek ye the LIV ING among the DEAD?” They are seeking Jesus, but they are in the wrong place to .find the Saviour, though they knew it not. Hence the question put to them by the angels, “Why seek ye the LIVING among the DEAD?” as though to say to them, “Have you failed to comprehend WHO HE WAS while He dwelt among you? Do you not know that HE is the LIVING one, the GIVER OF LIFE; the one who has an infinite life in Himself ? Do you not know that He could never be holden of death; that even though it should lay its clammy hand upon Him, it can be but for a season, for He will utterly break its bands asunder and set the captive free? This question was equivalent to saying to them, “Seek the LIV-


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period following the Resurrection. No less than ten or eleven such appearances are left on record. He appeared: 1st, to Mary Magdalene and the other women; 2d, to Peter; 3d, to the two on the way to Enimaus; 4th, to the ten disciples (Thomas absent) ; 5th (one week later), to the eleven (Thomas present) ;‘ 6th, to the seven at the Sea of Galilee; 7th, to the 500 on a mountain in Galilee; 8th, to James; 9th, to Apostles at Jerusalem; 10th, on the Mount of Olives at the Ascension; 11th, to Paul (1 Cor. 15:8). Is the evidence sufficient to establish beyond the shad­ ow of a doubt the great DOCTRINE of the RESUR­ RECTION ? If not, add to it the fact of others who have been raised from the dead. Did not He touch the bier whereon lay the lifeless form of the son of the widow of Nain? Was it not but a few days before His own suf­ fering that, at Bethany, He had restored to life the brother of Mary and Martha after he had been four days in the grave ? Yes, the evidence is ample. The doctrine of the Resur­ rection is established without a question. The evidence is incontestable. As a noted historian has said, “The resur­ rection of Christ is the best established fact of human history.” WHAT ARE THE VALUES TO US OF THIS DOCTRINE? 1st, A proof of the Immortality of the Soul. Death does not end alb 2d, Ground of Christian FAITH . We worship a living personality. 3d, Assurance of Christian HOPE. Eternal life is the possession of the believer. The Highway o f Prayer T HERE was a high road and a low road to Loch Lo­ mond. They parallel each other; but, ah, the differ­ ence. In the valley are swamps and fevers and fogs and mosquitoes and dust and crowds. But the path of prayer leads along mountain ridges. It forces you because of exertion to breathe deep, giving glow to your cheek and strength to your heart beat. Sometimes you must clamber up steep precipices step by step. Sometimes you face a huge crevasse or gorge, but prayer throws a bridge across more wonderful than the engineering triumph of the Forth and the Hudson. Sometimes when a sheer moun­ tain cannot be passed, prayer tunnels straight through. Such things are wrought by prayer as men have never d r e a m e d . By uplifted arms of intercession Moses enabled Israel to be victorious over Amalek. By prayer, not by spears, David escaped the pursuit of his enemy Saul. By prayer Elijah calls down the rain tor­ rents from, a cloudless sky, and gains power, though old, to outspeed the Arab chargers of Ahab’s chariot. By prayer Nehemiah rebuilds the shattered desolation of Jerusalem. By prayer Hezekiah defeats the swarming locusts of the Assyrian army. By prayer Peter escapes prison, Paul and Silas summon the earthquake, John on Patmos unveils eternity. Jesus prays and Lazarus comes forth from the grave. He prays, and Satan is defeated in the desert. He prays and weaves his chosen into spiritual unity. He prays, and in the garden His will becomes utterly sur­ rendered to the Father. If these needed prayer, ought not men everywhere to be instant in supplication?— Mark Wayne Williams in “Watchman-Examiner.”

appearance can be explained in but one other way—it must have been stolen away. But this is harder to believe than that He was raised. If stolen, who committed the theft?. Would the enemies of Jesus have contributed to His glory by thus countenancing a report that He was raised up? Would His disciples have done it? It is probable they would not—it is absolutely certain they could not have done so had they so desired. Think of that timorous com­ pany, who fled when they saw Him arrested. Even Peter, the most courageous, trembled before a servant girl and denied with oaths and curses that he even knew Jesus. Would such as he venture to resist the authority of the governor or attethpt to overcome the armed guards placed to watch at the tomb? Would they have braved the oppo­ sition and determination of the Jewish Sanhedrin and attempted to steal away the body in order to invent a story of the Resurrection ? The very fact that they them­ selves" were so slow to believe the evidence produced in token of His resurrection, is proof conclusive to the open mind that they were,not designing to remove the body. Argument is unnecessary to show that His enemies would not have taken part in any such plan of deception regarding H is body. The fallacy of the story told by the guard is easily shown. They must have been either asleep or awake when the body disappeared. If they were awake, why should they allow the body to be taken away by a few timorous people, when they had been specially set to guard it? If asleep, how could they know that the disciples took it away? How dare they swear that it was taken away by theft if they were asleep? How simple, how credible, the Gospel record: “And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord' descended from heaven, and came and rolled away the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was as lights ning, and his raiment white as snow; and for fear of him the watchers did quake and became as dead men.” So simple, so straightforward, so believable, that one could accept it as trustworthy were there no further evidence to produce. But God does not leave us in the slightest doubt with regard to an event of such stupendous signifi­ cance., He urges us to examine the evidence in full. I I I . T h e A ngel ’ s I nvitation The heavenly announcers say to the women, “COME, SEE the PLACE where the Lord lay.” In other words, they are, .invited to investigate. They are not asked to believe any*^incredibility.- They must be convinced by their reason that that which is told is TRUE. They accept the invitation. It was Simon Peter who first entered the tomb. What was the evidence there ? “He beholdeth the linen cloths lying, and the napkin that was upon his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but rolled up in a place by itself.” What of the evidence ? It showed deliberation, rather than any degree of haste in leaving the tomb. Its value was towfold. First, as evidence that friends had not removed the body to another place for safety. Then they would not have removed the grave cloths. Neither would robbers of graves have waited to thus remove these wrappings of the corpse. But further, it was evidence of the Resurrection. Although Peter first entered the tomb, John seems to have been the first to recognize the evidential value of what he saw—for when he saw he believed the fact of the Resurrection. But stronger evidence is yet to appear. The risen Sav- iqur Himself was personally ■manifested, under various circumstances and to many different people during the

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