King's Business - 1930-04

April 1930


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

5. Sleepy Christians do not realize their own danger (Rom. 13:11-14), nor do they warn sleeping sinners of the judgment awaiting them. 6. This is the world’s hour of dark­ ness, but “the night is far spent, the day is at hand” (Rom. 13:12). 7. Those who most earnestly look for the coming of Christ are always most zealously seeking lost souls, “snatching them out of the fire” (Jude 21-23). 8. Each individual settles his own char­ acter and destiny. The wise cannot lend grace to the foolish. The Roman Catholic idea that some “saints” have stored up merit over and above their own needs which can be drawn upon by the less fortunate is wholly unscriptural and posi­ tively dangerous. 9. Every soul may “buy without money and without price” that which will give free access to God in the day of Christ. 10. “The word, I know you not,’ is nothing else than ‘Ye know not Me’ ” (John 10:14).— Augustine. * * * G olden T ex t I llustratio n A gentleman visiting a certain school, gave out thaï he would give a prize to the pupil whose desk he found in the best order when he returned. “But when will you return?” some of them asked. “That I cannot tell,” was the answer. A little girl who had been noted for her disorderly habits, announced that she meant to win the prize. “You!” her schoolmates jeered. “Why, your desk is always out of order.” “Oh, but I mean to clean it the first of every week.” “But suppose he should come at the end of the week?” someone asked. “But he may co'me at the end of the day.” For a moment the little girl was silent. “I know what I’ll do,” she said decidedly ; “I’ll just keep it clean.” So it must be with the Lord’s servants who would be ready to receive the prize of His coming. It may be at midnight, at cock-crowing, or in the morning. The ex­ hortation is not, “Get ye ready,” but, “Be ye ready .”—Mattie M. Boteler. * * ♦ Being Ready Matthew 25.:1-13 Memory Verse : “Take ye heed, watch and pray : for ye know not when the time is” (Mark 13:33). Approach .—If someone you loved very dearly had gone away, saying “I’ll come back some day; be watching, for I may return at any time,” you would look

L esso n Q u est io n s V. 1. To what future event does this parable point? Whom does the bride­ groom represent (cf. John 3:28, 29; Matt. 9:15)? Who is represented by the vir­ gins? What do the lamps represent? In what respect were the ten virgins alike? Vs. 2-4. Into what two classes were the virgins divided? In what respect did they differ from one another? Was this differ­ ence easily recognized? Of what is oil a symbol (1 John 2 :2-27; Acts 10:38)? Did the foolish have any oil at all? What is the lesson Jesus intended to teach? Is it possible for some to be moved upon by the Holy Spirit in some measure and yet be lost? ■ V. 5. What is said about the bride­ groom? What did Jesus mean to convey by this statement? How long has Jesus “tarried” ? Why has He tarried so long? What did the virgins do while the bride­ groom tarried? Did they become fast asleep at once? What lesson may be drawn from the statement that they all slumbered and slept? V. 6. How were they awakened? Will a sleeping Church ever be awakened in a similar way (John 5 :28, 29; 1 Thess. 4: 16) ? At what hour was the cry heard? What lesson does this suggest? What call is given to the virgins? Vs. 7-8. What did the foolish virgins first do? In what distress did they find themselves? What did they do in their trouble ? V. 9. Did the foolish virgins receive help from the wise? Why not? Would it be right for the wise and careful Chris­ tian to make up for the folly and care­ lessness of another who professed to be a Christian (Rom. 14:12)? What did the wise virgins tell them to do? V. 10. Did the foolish virgins attempt to buy oil? What happened while they were absent? Who went in to the mar­ riage feast? V. 11. What appeal did the foolish vir­ gins make? Did they really wish to en­ ter? If they had been truly sincere and earnest, would they not have made proper preparation in advance? V. 12. What answer did Jesus give? Whom does He know (John 10:27)? Does this reply indicate clearly that the foolish virgins do not represent true Christians (John 10:14)? V. 13. How does Jesus Christ sum up the parable? - For what are we to watch? Does God tell us the exact day or hour when Christ will come? * * * P ractical P o in ts 1. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is called “the blessed hope” (Tit. 2:13) ; it will be a joyful event to those who are ready. 2. “Ye know neither the day nor the hour” ; therefore be permanently pre­ pared to meet Him. 3. There will be bitter disappointment and remorse for those who have pro­ fessed and long appeared to be His dis­ ciples, but who at last hear Him say, “I know you not.” There is a terrible after­ ward for such as Judas Iscariot and Esau (Heb. 12:16, 17), 4. An ideal “wise virgin” is one who meets the Lord with no task unfinished, no secret sin cherished, no “cares of this life” binding the heart to the world (2 Tim. 4:6-8).


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eagerly for his com­ ing. You would not wish to be doing anything that would grieve or displease him if he came un­ expectedly. Our best Friend, J e s u s , has said: “I’m coming again; be ready!” He helps us to be ready by making us clean, and keeping us day


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by day as we look to Him. Lesson Story .—For the last time, Jesus had taught in the Temple, leaving it never

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