King's Business - 1930-04


April 1930

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

Are you able to say from the acquain­ tance you have made with God that He is a lovely Being? If not, let me affection­ ately entreat you to ask God to bring you to this, that you may admire. His gentle­ ness and His kindness, that you may be able to say how good He is, and what a delight it is to the heart of God to do good to His children. The nearer we come to this, the more ready are we to leave ourselves in His hands, satisfied with all His dealings with us. And when trials come we shall say, “I will wait to see what good God will do me by it, assured He will do it.” —George Muller. Yes, for me, for me He careth, With a brother’s tender care; Yes, with me, with me He shareth Ev’ry burden, ev’ry fear. Yes, o’er me, o’er me He watcheth, Ceaseless watcheth night and day: Yes, e’en me, e’en me He snatcheth From the perils of the way. How deep He does not say. The depth into which we launch will depend upon how perfectly we have given up the shore, and the greatness of our need, and the apprehension of our possibilities. The fish were to be found in the deep, not in the shallow water. So with u s; our needs are to he met in the deep things of God. We are to launch out into the deep of God’s Word, which the Spirit can open up to us in such crystal fathomless mean­ ing that the same words we have accepted in times past will have an ocean meaning in them, which renders their first meaning to us very shallow. Into the deep of the Atonement, until Christ’s precious blood is so illuminated by the Spirit that it be­ comes an omnipotent balm, and food and medicine for the soul and body. Into the deep of the Father’s will, until we appre­ hend it in its infinite minuteness and goodness, and its far-sweeping provision and care for us. Into the deep of the Holy Spirit, until He becomes a bright, dazzling, sweet, fathomless summer sea, in which we bathe and bask and breathe, and lose ourselves and our sorrows in the calmness and peace of His everlasting presence. Into the deep of God’s provi­ dences, where we find the most marvelous answers to prayer, the most careful and tender guidance, the most thoughtful an­ ticipation of our needs, and the most ac­ curate and supernatural shaping of our events. Into the deep of God’s purposes and coming kingdom, until the Lord’s coming and His millennial reign are opened up to u s; and beyond these the bright entrancing ages on ages unfold themselves, until the mental eye is dazed with light, and the heart flutters with in­ expressible anticipations of its joy with Jesus and the glory to be revealed. Into all these things, Jesus bids us launch. He made us and He made the deep, and to its fathomless depths He has fitted our long­ ings and capabilities.— Soul Food. —o^- April 23— -“Rejoice, and be exceeding glad : for great is your reward in heaven" (Matt. 5:12). It may be questioned whether, under any circumstances, it is legitimate for A April 22—" Launch out into the deep" (Luke 5:4).

them. Glory, Glory!” He who falls flat on the promises, feels that all the riches embraced in them are his. — Streams in the Desert. I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length And breadth and fulness, as my daily strength; Into life’s future fearless I may gaze, For, JesUs, Thou art with me all the days. '■ ■—6—, ' April 19— "Let us lay a s i d e every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us’’ (Heb. 12:1). There are weights which are not sins in themselves, but which become distractions and stumbling blocks in our Christian progress. One of the worst of these is despondency. The heavy heart is indeed a weight that will surely drag us down in our holiness and usefulness. The failure of Israel to enter the land of promise be­ gan in murmuring, or, as the text in Numbers literally puts it, “as it were murmured.” Just a faint desire to com­ plain and be discontented. This led on unfil it blossomed and ripened into .rebel­ lion and ruin. Let us give ourselves no liberty ever to doubt God or His love and faithfulness to us in everything and for­ ever. We can set our will against doubt just as we do against any other sin; and if we stand firm and refuse to doubt, the Holy Spirit will come to our aid and give us the faith of God and crown us with victory. It is very easy to fall into the habit of doubting, fretting, and wonder­ ing if God has forsaken us and if, after all, our hopes are to end in failure. Let us refuse to be discouraged. Let us re­ fuse to be unhappy. Let us “count it all joy” when we cannot feel one emotion of happiness. Let us rejoice by faith, by res­ olution, by reckoning, and we shall sure­ ly find that God will make the reckoning real. — Selected. —o— April 20— “All men forsook me : . . the Lord stood with me’’ (2 Tim. 4:16, 17). It takes as much spiritual heroism to stand “with Jestis” today, in a world which still at heart hates and crucifies Him, as it took when John stood with Him in the judgment-hall. To be single- minded in this world is almost always to be single-handed. To stand "with Jesus” means, often­ times, to stand without any other com­ panionship. To stand “with Jesus” in your own home is frequently to stand alone with Him. And there is a blessed­ ness in that, albeit it may sound hard. For to stand alone with Him means that none can stand between you and Him. You have all His resources, of strengthening comradeship entirely avail­ able in every moment and hour of your need.— Dr. Stuart Holden. Though hot the fight, why quit the field? Why must I either fly or yield, Since Jesus is my mighty Shield? Against me earth and hell combine; But on my side is Power divine; Jesus is all, and He is mine! —o— April 21— "Rejoice in the Lord alway” (Phil. 4:4).

American Tract Society (O rganized 1825) Publishes Standard E vangelical L itera­ ture in fifty languages. Champions the Bible, Sabbath, Home, Christian Institu­ tions. Counteracts in m any languages organized assaults on Christian faith. Renders indispensable service for Christ and the churches. Faces the greatest need and opportunity of its existence. W ILL YOU HELP In furnishing the Gospel message to the millions of foreign-speaking Americans? .The world-wide atheistic movement makes it imperative that they have the truth immediately, and have it in their own language. A REMARKABLE BIBLICAL DISCOV­ ERY, OR “THE NAME“ OF GOD ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES By WILLIAM PHILLIPS HALL Second Edition Commended by Religious Periodicals. Endorsed by. Evangelical Leaders. The book deals with the crucial subject before the Church today—the Deity of Christ. Price postpaid, $1.50. Annuity Bonds PAY UP TO 9 PER CENT A Guaranteed Life Income A Safe and Sound Investm ent A Gift W isely Bestow ed Write today for Annuity Folder. Remember the American Tract Society in Your Will. The Society contracts no debts, and depends upon the contributions of churches and individuals for its maintenance and increase of its indispensable service. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY 7 W est 45th . S t. N ew York, N . Y. 5000 ¡^WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books and hand­ some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. Send fa r F ree C atalog and P rice L ist G EO R G E W . N O B L E , P U B L ISH E R Dept. No. 7C, Monon Bldg., Chleago, III. W in Others to Christ An effective m ethod is by the use of an inter­ estin g Gospel tract, prayerfully given or en ­ closed in a letter. For sam ples of good tracts for C hristians and the unsaved, also Gospel of John, “Underscored,” vest-pocket size, send 35 cen ts (stam p s accep ted ). BIBLE HOUSE OF LOS ANGELES 927 South W estm oreland Ave. L os A ngeles, Cal., U .S A .

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