Global Engagement Challenge and broaden perspectives through increased support for international travel and global learning experiences. Establish the CLA International Studies degree as a signature OSU program.
Action 5.1
Action 5.3
Action 5.4
Inventory all current CLA global learning opportunities. Develop at least one new opportunity for global engagement in each School.
$PSOLI\DQGVKRZFDVHWKHZRUN of globally-engaged scholars WKURXJK&/$0DUNHWLQJDQG Communication, with a structure to support post- travel panels, presentations, and opportunities for research communication and exchange.
Restore commencement and transcript recognition for CLA International Studies degree.
Action 5.5
Action 5.2
Pilot faculty exchange programs with partner international universities.
Generate a portfolio of opportunities and resources, including nonmobile global
experiences, virtual internships, engagement with sovereign tribal QDWLRQVJOREDOQHWZRUNVDQG online-based international curricula.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
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