OSU College of Liberal Arts Strategic Plan 2023-28

Fundraising and Alumni Engagement Partner with the OSU Foundation and the Alumni Association to cultivate and secure philanthropic investments. Engage alumni in support of College goals and vision.

Action 6.1

Action 6.3

As a College, fully participate in “Believe It: The Campaign for Oregon State University” to surpass CLA’s ambitious fundraising goal of at least $60 million and engage at least 3,500 alumni annually.

Establish an alumni and friends advisory committee in each of CLA’s seven Schools with emphasis on volunteer opportunities that support School goals and initiatives.

Action 6.2

Use the goals and actions stated in this strategic plan to complete the CLA Campaign Case Statement DQGGHYHORSVSHFLńFFDPSDLJQ fundraising and engagement initiatives across the College.

Highlights of our progress will be seen through:

• At least $60 million raised and at least 3,500 alumni and friends engaged annually—as measured in OSU Foundation and OSU Alumni Association campaign reports. • Clear alignment of initiatives within Campaign Case Statement and CLA Annual and Campaign fundraising and engagement goals.

• Establishment of seven volunteer advisory groups, including one for each school, targeting four to six initial members. • Utilization of OSU/OSUAAS WUDFNLQJV\VWHPVWRLPSURYH engagement with alumni, volunteers, and advisory groups.


Strategic Plan 2023-2028

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