OSU College of Liberal Arts Strategic Plan 2023-28

Mission The College of Liberal Arts builds a richer, more creative tomorrow through the rigorous study of human history, human expression, and the human mind. In disciplines ranging from Art to Anthropology, English to Economics, Policy to Psychology, we examine how meaning is made õ and how it can be remade. We equip students and society with tools to engage the most challenging issues: confronting the climate crisis; communicating truth in an era of misinformation; bringing nuance and context to public health discussion and policy development; valuing history and humanistic inquiry; dismantling systems of injustice; and nurturing creative expression. Strategy ,QWKHQH[WńYH\HDUVZHZLOOSLYRWWRZDUGVWKHNQRZOHGJHHFRQRPLHVRIWKH future. Today’s students will chart their professional paths in a wider variety RIńHOGVWKDQHYHUEHIRUHLQFOXGLQJPDQ\WKDWGRQ÷W\HWH[LVW7KH\VHHNDQ education that universities of the past could not have envisioned. We must meet their aspirations. CLA will be a bridge-builder, elevating collaborative opportunities and amplifying the visibility of innovative research and FUHDWLYHZRUN:HZLOOLQWHJUDWHWKHDUWVLQUHVHDUFKGLVFLSOLQHVDFURVVWKH University. We will create globally-relevant opportunities for all students, including those who cannot physically travel abroad. We will prioritize new technologies and pathways for student learning. The College of Liberal Arts will lead Oregon State University as a model of higher education for the public good.


Strategic Plan 2023-2028

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