OSU College of Liberal Arts Strategic Plan 2023-28

Research and Creative Activity Support Empower the College’s experts to advance cutting- edge research, scholarship, and creative activity. Attract top researchers and leaders to CLA. Increase industry partnerships. Secure new sources of funding.

Action 2.1

Action 2.3

Amplify the visibility of faculty research via multiple channels, LQFOXGLQJPDUNHWLQJDQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQVHŃRUWVIRFXVHG VRFLDOPHGLDSODFHPHQWD6SHDNHUV and/or Moderators Bureau, and

Inventory research and creative space, equipment, facilities, and computing/software resources.

Action 2.4

dynamic College and School webpages and new media.

Inventory current external partnerships across CLA and OSU, DVZHOODVQRQSURńWVFRPPXQLW\ organizations, and industry groups. Expand CLA faculty roles in collaborations, partnerships, and grants.

Action 2.2

Support and advance research and creative activity by diversifying faculty. Prioritize hiring BIPOC faculty and strategic hires, including cluster hiring and other innovative means of addressing faculty diversity.

Action 2.5

Establish a Dean’s Fund to elevate the number of CLA grant and fellowship applications.


Strategic Plan 2023-2028

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