OSU College of Liberal Arts Strategic Plan 2023-28

Action 3.1

Action 3.4

Action 3.7

Launch a new CLA Core with required courses for all CLA majors in career preparation, experiential OHDUQLQJDQGD&/$VSHFLńF Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) course.

%UHDNGRZQEDUULHUVIRUWHDP teaching through innovative delivery methods and strengthened support structures. Create a matching fund for designated team-teaching support IRUIDFXOW\ZLWKLQD6FKRROWRZRUN with faculty in other disciplines, within or beyond the College.

In every school, increase FUHGHQWLDOLQJFHUWLńFDWHVDQGQRQ credit learning beyond traditional classroom learning, including Professional and Continuing Education (PACE), non-credit, and Community Learning.

Action 3.2

Action 3.8

Evaluate existing programs for relevance to current and future learners. Create a signature program in each School that has high growth potential and VXSSRUWVWZHQW\ńUVWFHQWXU\ learning.

Action 3.5

Further develop Marine Studies (MAST) as a signature OSU program.

2ŃHUVWXGHQWVIURPHDFK&/$ major experiential learning opportunities such as applied projects and course capstones.

Action 3.9

Inventory classes, space, and technology related to pedagogy LQ&/$ORRNLQJIRUFUHDWLYH transdisciplinary curriculum opportunities.

Action 3.3

Action 3.6

Establish School committees to audit and evaluate School-level FXUULFXODU'(,HŃRUWVDQGWDNH appropriate actions to remediate GHńFLWV

Require a career preparation class in each major. Train at least two faculty members in each School to be Career Champions.

Highlights of our progress will be seen through:

• Expansion of cross-disciplinary and cross-College collaborative programs. • Increase in student participation in applied projects, capstone projects and experiential learning.

þ$VLJQLńFDQWLPSURYHPHQW in the number of high impact practices employed in each School and their integration into curriculum, including, but not limited to, global learning opportunities, undergraduate

research, common out-of-class intellectual experiences, service- and community-based learning and internships.


Strategic Plan 2023-2028

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