2019-2023 Cancer Report

Englewood Health Researchers at the Helm of Supportive Care Trials

Englewood Health Expands Survivorship Services Based on data from the National Cancer Institute, there were 18.1 mil - lion cancer survivors in living in the United States as of January 2022. This figure is projected to increase to more than 22 million by 2030. “With more patients recovering from cancer and going on to live healthy, productive lives, there is an emerg- ing need to provide them and their families with ongoing support that they require,” says Minaxi P. Jhawer, MD, chief of hematology/oncology at Englewood Health and the as- sociate medical director of The Lef- court Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center. At Englewood Health, cancer survi- vors receive a survivorship care plan, a detailed document that identifies areas of further need—such as a re- ferral to the lymphedema manage- ment program to address post-mas- tectomy swelling, to a nutritionist for guidance with healthy eating, or to a social worker or therapist if they are having trouble coping. The support team includes nurse navigators to help patients and their families prioritize their needs and provide personalized care. Behavior - al health specialists are also available to help patients and their families manage the psychosocial aspects of life after cancer treatment. Patients may also be connected to Englewood Health specialists in physical therapy, occupational ther-

In 2022, The Lefcourt Family Can- cer Treatment and Wellness Center was approved for a breast surgical oncology training fellowship—mark- ing the first site in Bergen County and the second in the state to be approved for this fellowship by the Society of Surgical Oncology. The fellowship will train future leaders in breast surgical oncology in the mul- tidisciplinary management of breast cancer. Englewood Health First Site in Bergen County to Establish Breast Surgical Oncology Fellowship

Researchers at The Lefcourt Fam- ily Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center at Englewood Health are leading a clinical trial of two medi- cations for the management of un- intentional weight loss due to treat- ment for advanced-stage cancer. The two medications, olanzapine and mirtazapine, have been ap- proved by the FDA for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and depression and anxiety, respectively. “We know that many patients under - going treatment for cancer experi-

ence a loss in appetite, which can affect their overall health,” says Vin - nidhy Dave, DO, director of palliative medicine at Englewood Health. “We also know that these two medica- tions can help stimulate appetite.” However, it is not yet known which of these two agents is more effec- tive for inducing appetite and, thus, which one should be considered as a first-line therapy, he adds. The ongoing trial at Englewood Health began enrolling patients in June 2022, with the goal of recruit- ing 150 participants.

“We are looking forward to having the opportunity to expose our fel- lows to the kind of multidisciplinary care we offer here at Englewood Health,” said Rachelle Leong, MD, director of the breast surgical on-

cology fellowship at Englewood Health. Englewood Health will be welcom- ing its first breast surgical oncology fellow in August 2024.

Englewood Health Researcher Spearheads Study on Integrative Methods for Enhancing Quality of Life During Breast Cancer Treatment

Tracy Scheller, MD, medical director of the Graf Center for Integrative Medicine at Englewood Health, is the principal investigator on a study exploring how integrative methods can improve anxiety, as well as nau- sea and vomiting, in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The study aims to compare the ef- fectiveness of standard anti-nausea medicine used to treat these symp- toms with anti-nausea medicine coupled with aromatherapy or acu- puncture. “Improving quality of life during treatment is a fundamental aspect of cancer care,” says Dr. Scheller. “Integrative methods like aroma - therapy and acupuncture have a lot to offer on this front—not only addressing physical symptoms, but also promoting emotional well-be- ing and helping to manage anxiety.”

At the Graf Center for Integrative Medicine, Dr. Scheller oversees an evidence-based program that leverages holistic therapies such as aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage, reiki, and meditation, in conjunction with conventional ther- apies to help cancer patients im- prove their emotional and physical well-being during treatment.

Englewood Health Offers Patients Next-Generation PET CT Scanner Englewood Health has elevated its imaging capabilities through the acquisition of state-of-the-art PET scanning technology, dramatically reducing patient scan duration from 40-45 minutes to just 12-15 minutes. This cutting-edge PET scan not only reduces waiting times, but also opti- mizes workflow efficiency, elevates the overall patient experience during scanning, and provides invaluable support to Englewood Health’s dedi- cated teams of technologists, physi- cians, and nurses.

Dr. Tracy Scheller



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