2019-2023 Cancer Report

Englewood Health has made a commitment to two power- ful strategies in the fight against cancer. The first is to increase early detection across all major cancers. The second is to reduce the time that lapses between a diagnosis of cancer and interven- tion with cancer treatment (also known as a “time-to-treatment” rate) such as chemotherapy, radi- ation, or surgery. This two-pronged approach is proven to translate into better odds at treatment, more people cured of their cancers, and improved qualities of life after treatment. Importantly, Englewood Health’s average time-to-treatment rate is below the national average. In an effort to detect cancers earlier— when they are most likely to re- spond to treatment—Englewood Health has adopted aggressive screening guidelines and expand- ed access to cancer diagnostics, with new imaging locations in Fair Lawn and Jersey City. Englewood Health also organizes free and low-cost cancer screen- ing events and programs to ensure lifesaving screenings are accessi- ble to the community. These pro - grams aim to reduce the barriers preventing at-risk communities from undergoing screenings; de- tect cancer at earlier stages; and educate individuals about their need for ongoing vigilance. Englewood Health Tackles Cancer in Our Communities

A Pioneering Population Health Strategy These two strategies align with the organization’s overall population health mission. In addition to in - creasing access to quality care and services, Englewood Health pro- vides the health education, screen- ing and prevention activities need- ed to improve outcomes.

As Englewood Health strives to ad- vance health equity across popula- tions, it leverages community health needs assessments, clinical data, and patient demographic informa- tion to inform a targeted approach. The team understands the impact that age, race, gender, socioeco-

nomic status, and other social de- terminants of health can have on health outcomes and actively col- laborates to remove any barriers to the delivery of true, patient-cen- tered care.

The Cancer Center’s Inception and Growth

of new clinical space in Hudson County 70K+ sqft

In 2014, a transformative vi- sion took shape at Englewood Health—a vision centered around establishing a comprehensive, disease-specific cancer care pro- gram that unifies essential ser- vices within a single facility, opti- mizing the delivery of care. What followed was a two-year journey, marked by the recruit- ment of esteemed leaders, the establishment of robust infra- structure, and the expansion of fa- cilities within Englewood Health’s hospital campus. By the close of 2016, this effort materialized into the official nam- ing of The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center. Since then, Englewood Health’s cancer care services have flour- ished, transcending the hospital’s four walls and extending to out- patient sites throughout northern New Jersey. The center’s transformative growth is evident in its team of fellowship-

trained subspecialists, which has surged from 12 to 28. This in - cludes fresh expertise in lung, colorectal, breast, endocrine, gy- necologic, and urologic cancers, among others. Englewood Health has also grown its team of sub- specialized pathologists in lung, breast, and gynecologic cancers, as well as the growing field of mo- lecular pathology. The center has developed a ro- bust infrastructure to support a patient on their unique journey from diagnosis through survivor- ship. This includes genetic and nutritional counseling, patient navigation services, survivorship support and more. Years of strategic expansion and the cultivation of highly special- ized teams have enabled Engle- wood Health to deliver excep- tional cancer care closer to home, bridging the gap between ad- vanced medical expertise and the communities it serves.

new urgent care locations 4

new imaging centers 2

Christos Stavropoulos, MD, director of thoracic oncology at The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center and chief of thoracic surgery at Englewood Health with lung cancer screening team and low dose CT scanner.



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