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Welcome Viewpoint Company Round Up

What I’ve Learnt In The Spotlight Future Focus Getting To Know You Christmas Money Saving Hacks

Aptus Academy Updates Mental Health Moment

Welcome... to the latest edition of Connections.

In this issue we shine a light on our Academy, covering some highlights from recent months. We’ve come a long way since we offered our first apprenticeship more than 10 years ago, and it’s great to be able to share so many success stories. We recently partnered with Bolton College to offer T Levels and on page 8 , we tell you more about our industry placements. Sticking with the theme of education, our managing director shares her views on what the industry needs to do to encourage more entrants to the sector, with educational partnerships key to achieving this. Elsewhere, we know that the construction sector has a poor mental health record, and raising awareness of support services has never been so important. You can read our mental health moment on page 12 – this time we focus on World Mental Health Day. And finally, as it’s the last edition of the year, we’ve included some Christmas hacks to try and make life a little easier. I hope you find them useful! I’d like to close by wishing you a happy and healthy festive period and all the best for the year ahead. As always, thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes Natasha Clarke People Director


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