King's Business - 1943-08

August; 1942



opened the window opposite his own apartment. He leaned out the window until he caught hold of his own win­ dow sill, keeping his legs securely fastened to the other window ledge. By doing this he made a bridge be­ tween the two buildings. The little boy and then the little girl went safely across the human bridge to the people waiting for them in the next building. Before the fa ­ ther could regain his upright position he became so exhausted f r o m the flames that he fell to the ground be­ low. The two children dearly loved their father because he gave his own life to save them. i The love of this father reminds me of our loving heavenly Father. The only way we could be saved from go­ ing to the place of eternal fire was for God to send His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die in our place. When you think of all He had to go through for you to be saved, don’t you think you should love Him very much? The best way to show Him that you love Him is to tell some one else about how He came to .save sinners. —The Brethren Missionary Herald. New K, Y. B. C. Members Th e fo llo w in g h ave re a d th rou gh the Gospel accord in g to John, and a re now m em bers o f the K n o w Y o u r B ible Club: B L O O M F IE LD , IO W A : H ershel, H om er, M arth a Jean, and M a rg a ret E llen C raig; D ew itte and E u gen e H u ggin s, and Iv a - belle Shook (C. E. Strong, lea d er). G IL C H R IS T , O R E .: R o b erta A nderson; J ew el and M alcom E a st; B arb ara H us­ band 'and C larice James. (M rs. E. F. M c­ F arlan d, lea d er). L O S A N G E LE S , C A L IF .! P a tric ia B yrn s; C. B. and G. T. G ordon; B etty and H a rle y G ough; R ita ’ R ic h ter and D onald pa tz. (M rs. -Kenyon, lea d e r). • M IL W A U K IE , O RE .: Eunice Petrequ ln. (M rs. R. From ah, gran dm oth er). N IL A N D , C A L IF .; W an da B u rk ; A rth u r and Johnny C ox; E a rle G oble; B illy M c- P e a k ; N orm a Jean P reston ; Jack S h irley; Ju lia Smootz, and F red Thom pson (M rs. P e te r .B ecker, le a d e r). N O R T H U M B E R L A N D , P A .: F r a n c i s B ru ce; M a ry F lem in g ; D oris and S h irley F o r r y and N an cy M ottern. (R a ch el M il­ ler, lea d er). PORTLAND, ORE.: Arlie Lou Pippy (A n n a J. B ooker, lea d e r). O R LA N D , C A L IF .: M arth a Suderman. (M rs. J. J.* W a ll, .tea ch er). W A SH IN G TO N . D. C.: N an cy C liff; N an cy E ly ; M a rg a ret G riffith , and M ary W oo dw ard (E th e l Vance, leader)^ How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become* a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel ac­ cording to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teach­ er, has been sent to. the Eflttor of the Junior King’s Business^ a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord di­ rects: Gospels» postpaid, five cents each —in quantity, three cents; pins, without, postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, C alif.

that day w h e n God saw that she wanted to know His w ill and sent her that very clear answer to her prayer. She could not resist that love, and one day she came back to the Lord Jesus and asked to be forgiven. He heard her prayer again, and she has lived for many years with the joy of His presence as her strength. This I know to be really true, for Bernie is still everywhere I am, for you must know by this time t h a t Bernie and I are the same person. [Suggestions for making a " Chris­ tians Courtesy Book“ appeared in the July issue of the Junior King’s Business. Verses chosen for Know Your Bible Club memory work for these months show what the Word teaches about -a Christian's courtesy toward other people and toward the Lord Himself .] G “ Giving t h a n k s always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 5:20). L| "Honor thy f a t h e r and mother; ™ which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth” (Eph. 6:2, 3). ■ “ If it be possible, as much as lieth ■ in you, live peaceably w i t h all men” (Rom. 12:18). J “Judge not, that ye be not judged" (Matt. 7:1). |# “Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from s p e a k i n g guile” (Psa. 34:13). ■ “Let nothing be done through strife —* or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than thbmselves” (Phil. 2:3). How a Father Saved His Children By Verla Aakjer* A 'father with his little boy and girl lived in a tenement house in one of our large cities. The mother had died, and the father did not have enough money to take care of the children while he was gone. Soon after he left for work one morning, the building caught on fire, and the children were trapped on the twelfth floor. It did not take long for the father to hear of the fire, and he rushed home. Seeing only one way to save his children, he did not hesi­ tate. He hurried to the twelfth floor of an adjoining building and quickly 'Hiss Aakjer was graduated from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in 1910 with the de­ gree of Bachelor of Christian Education. The ABC of Christian Courtesy (S ummer M emory .W ork — C ontinued )

in Zip’s mouth. I ’ll telephone Miss De Jarnette and tell her I can’t go unless I am sure I am right.” Quickly Bernie ran upstairs to her room. Her sister had gone downstairs. She would do just as the Bible said—she would go into her closet and shut the door. As I write this for you, I can see those dresses hanging there and remember Bernie kneeling there and talking to God about what was right to do. I wouldn’t say it was a voice Bernie heard, but to her soul a message as clear as the big headlines of any paper said, “Before you go, you will know it is all right.” Bernie got up from her knees and went downstairs knowing her prayer was answered. She knew that day that God had spoken to her, and the world was glorious. I cannot remember what took place at breakfast, but family worship fol­ lowed as it always did. There in the big living room, thè family of twelve, including Grandma and Grandpa and the girl from Sweden who helped with the houseyvork, sat while Bernie’s fa ­ ther read from the Bible. There are almost twelve hundred chapters in the Bible; and how should her father know? No one but God knew what Bernie was looking for, but as if God Himself had turned the pages, it was Psalm 32 which was read. Bernie listened wistfully, knowing that God speaks through His Word. He did not fa il her. What was she hearing! “Be ye not as the hOTse, or as the mule, which have no understanding; whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee.” I’m not sure whether she heard the last verse of that Psalm or not, but it said something about being glad and shouting for joy. But whether she heard it or not, she was so full of joy she could hardly keep her feet on the ground. ' It was as if she walked on air. She was in a world that glowed with wonder. She put the bit in Zip’s mouth and went to get Miss Dè Jarnette. They took the most beautiful drive through a lovely wood along the side of the river. Miss De Jarnette was a Chris­ tian, and that morning as they drove through this marvelous bower of trees and wild flowers known as “Birdland Drive,” she talked to Bernie of how all this was an expression of God’s love. She little knew how much Ber­ nie realized that day that God càred for her. About forty years have gone since then. Another teacher later sowed seeds of doubt in Bernie’s mind, and it was sometimes hard to see the way, and sin hardened her heart, but over and over her mind was turned to

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