King's Business - 1943-08



August, 1942

for every one’s good. His dying there makes it possible for us all to be brought back to our heavenly Father, and now all the family of God can be together again. Do you belong to God’s family? I invite you to join it this morning. , Object Lesson H e a t T h a t H e lp s . OBJECTS: A heart cut from white paper, and a strong electric light bulb. (Print the word “CHRIST” in the heart, using lemon juice or ten drops of sul­ phuric acid diluted with twenty-five drops of water. Stir a piece of starch the size of a small bean into four tablespoonfuls of water. Boil until the mixture is clear. Cool and add four drops of iodine. The liquid should be a light blue. Add enough cold wa­ ter to make it thin enough to write. With this substance as ink, print with a sharp stick the word “ SELF.” ) LESSON: This heart is filled with Self. Everything it does is for self. It reminds me of many people who are very selfish. We wonder how selfish people can ever be changed, but God knows just the way by which they can be made to do less for themselves and more for others. When we let this hot bulb, repre­ senting hard trials, shine into this heart, we find that “ SELF” is leaving and another word is appearing. The Where Culture and One often hears a question some­ thing like this: Can “old-time” evan­ gelical orthodoxy be blended with the highest type of culture in an educa­ tional institution in such a manner that it w ill appeal to American youth? There, are a number of fine insti­ tutions in the c o u n t r y t h a t can answer, “ Yes,” and can substantiate their reply with statistics. One of these institutions is Bob Jones- Col­ lege; Cleveland, Tenn. In a recent letter, to the Business Manager of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Bob Jones recently wrote: “Last year, while the average decrease in attendance in liberal arts colleges all over America was at least fifteen per cent, Bob Jones College had an increase in en- . rollment of twenty per cent. The institution does not need public­ ity in order to secure students. We are doing our advertising and putting out our propaganda as a testimony.” That “ testimony" is based upon the college creed to which members of the faculty and of the student body subscribe: “I believe in the inspiration of

Production of Records S L A S HE D But — OLD-FASHIONED REVIVAL HOUR QUARTET RECORDS Still Available All Nine Records $7.50 SIX RECORDS $5.00 THREE RECORDS $2.50 *1.00 Each in II.S j A, and Canada R ecord 1. My Sinn. Are Gone Abide With Me . 2. Just a Little Talk With Jesus ’fis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 3. Lily of the Valley Softly and Tehderly 4. More Love to Thee Hold the Fort Throw Out the Lifeline 5. Praise Him! Praise Him! Nobody Knows the Trouble I See 6. What a Friend We Have in Jesus Little David Play on Your Harp The Old Rugged Cross ' 7. Let- the Lower Lights Be Burning Amazing Grace De Old Ark’s a-Moverin* S. I Love to Tell the Stdry We Shall Rise 9. When Morning Comes Lead Me Gently Home* Father Order by number from GOSPEL QUARTET P.0, Box 747» Dept. K» Hollywood» Cal. She had the words twisted a little, but she had the right idea. There is little use in our learning verses with our lips that we do not practice in our lives, LESSON STORY: Last Sunday we left Joseph and his brothers in a very interesting place. Do you remember? When Joseph saw his brother Judah standing b e f o r e him, pleading for Benjamin’s freedom, and saw that his brothers were sorry that once, years before, they had wronged their other brother, Joseph, and that God- was punishing tpem now for their sin, he could control himself no longer. He sen? every one else from the room, and then he said, “ I am Joseph.” How do you think those brothers felt? I think they were pretty fright­ ened, don’t you? P r o b a b l y they thought that Joseph would now pun­ ish them for all their past meanness to him. Do you think he did? Not Joseph! He gladly forgave them. In fact, he told them, that the thing they had meant for his harm God had overruled for his/good—and for their good, too. He sent them home to get his father, and they all lived happily for many years together. The Lord Jesus came into this world to be our Brother. But His brethren would not have Him. One of them sold Him for thirty pieces of silver and left Him to die on the cross. But the thing that they planned for His harm was the thine God had Dlanned

testing before a Christian’s friends can see in his life not self, but Christ. Tie then becomes more kind and thoughtful of others. This heart reminds me of Joseph and his treatment of his b r o t h e r s when they came down to Egypt for food. Joseph had suffered a great deal, and had been tested. He had been a slave and a prisoner for years. God let Joseph go through great trials, but “ the Lord was with Joseph” in all of his troubles and later made him rich and powerful. If Joseph’s brothers had come to him before he had been tried and tested, he might have been angry be­ cause of their unkind treatment of him, and he might have treated them in a like manner. But now he was not thinking of himself, and he for­ gave them. God had planned it just right. Spirituality Meet the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments; the creation of man by the direct act of God; thè in­ carnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; His identification as the Son of God, His vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind by the shed­ ding of His blood on the cross; the resurrection of His body from the tomb; His power to save men from sin; the new birth through the regeneration o f t h e . H o l y Spirit, and the gift of eternal life through the grace of God.” In any Institution, firm adherence to these beliefs w ill be blessed of God. Doubtless this fidelity is account­ able in large measure for the success of Bob Jones College. In the spiritual atmosphere of a college where every class opens with prayer and all social events blend naturally with “ à'.word of prayer before we go,” young people have no gulfs to span from the spirit­ ual' to the secular spheres. In ’ an easy, natural way, thè finest culture is blended with the highest academic standards to produce poised and tal­ ented young Christian leaders. May God bless them!

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