King's Business - 1943-08


August, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

For Those Who Hove Topics (A short review of one book under each heading might be given, if books are available and if time permits.) I. SECULAR LITERATURE. The average Christian person may tend to neglect the vast amount of reading that is not definitely Chris­ tian, feeling that his time must be given to that which is of primary im­ portance, while others may make the mistake of reading almost exclusively in this field. One can easily appre­ ciate the former attitude, b u t one must also consider that a Christian, even more than others, should not be “ conspicuous for his ignorance” of the world about him. Biographies of fa ­ mous people, American and foreign; studies of political and economic sub­ jects; accounts of scientific discover­ ies in various fields, such, for exam­ ple, as the field of medicine; descrip­ tions of travel and exploration; cur­ rent news magazines; and the large body of writings recognized as classics of the English language all may be included upon the list of secular read­ ing in which time may very profitably be spent. II. SUPPLEMENTS TO BIBLE STUDY. Beyond the commentaries, concord­ ances, and Bible dictionaries, which are indispensable tools, lie the Bible histories, character studies, and books bn manners and customs, all of which, if written by dependable Bible schol­ ars, may shed new light upon the richness of the inspired Word of God. Christian evidences, or studies that confirm the authenticity of the Bible, books on prophecy, and those setting forth Bible doctrines, all have an im­ portant place in establishing under­ standing of this volume, which “shall not pass away.” , III. INSPIRATIONAL READING. One of the surest means of continu­ ing to “ grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,” is to read books with a challenging, inspirational message. Biographies of great Christian heroes, such as Hudson Taylor, George Muel­ ler, Adoniram Judson, and William Carey, lay hold upon the imagination, and often imperceptibly instill ideals which previously had been entirely foreign to. the reader’s thinking. Mis­ sionary books, such as Mrs. Howard Taylor’s Borden of Yale, and Ethel Daniels Hubbard’s Ann of Ava, have been used to reveal God’s will to un­ told numbers of young people; and whole philosophies of life and service have undoubtedly been c h a n g e d through the reading of devotional books by such writers as Amy Car­ michael', Andrew Murray, and B. Mc­ Call Barbour. To neglect this field of reading, might truly mean a loss even

ently confronts a Christian young per­ son is the use of his spare time. “What "shall I do after sqhool or after work?” is a question that commonly presents itself; and since one cannot and does not want a l w a y s to be with “ the gang,” a satisfying personal hobby solves the puzzle for many. , A hobby is a favorite pursuit which grows out of an interest or ability, and a few of its commendable fea» tures are that it gives satisfaction, de­ velops skill, has definite and usually tangible results, uses time that other­ wise would be wasted, gives a balance to one’s life, and provides a common meeting ground with those engaged in like pursuits. So “ hobbies for all” , could well claim the attention of any who are both young and Christian. September 13, 1942 BETWEEN BOOK COVERS’ P roverbs 4:5-13 By Adelaide W. Looker Introduction In the quiet little town of Coloma, nestled away among the hills of the famous Mother Lode region in Cali-, fornia, is a statue honoring the mem­ ory of James Marshall, whose name is known throughout the world in con­ nection with his discovery of gold. One cannot help reflecting upon the fact that prior to this discovery, un­ doubtedly the tremendous m i n e r a l wealth of California had lain for cen­ turies, dormant and unused, beneath the ground upon which walked gen­ eration after generation of poverty- stricken natives and pioneer settlers. Such is the tragedy of undiscovered treasure. Many people have had the advan­ tages of a college education, of asso­ ciation with e d u c a t e d people, of travel, of Christian teaching, and of systematic Bible training, while still others have had little or none of .these opportunities for enrichment of life.' Nevertheless,-within reaqh of those in either group is a vast depository of spiritual and cultural wealth, which undoubtedly is often ignored, with the result that lives are needlessly im­ poverished. The person who has never formed the habit of voluntarily seek­ ing the companionship of books, even though he may have read many in connection with the requirements of his formal education, has missed one of life’s widest opportunities for men­ tal and spiritual growth. Christian young people should be eager to add to their store of knowledge by reading widely during any available hours of leisure, always using the Word of God as a foundation-stone or criterion of that which is worth while. Enjoy the experiences recorded in great litera­ ture with friends by reading aloud to one another in the home. .


Sve/iifOHonth When you join the thrilling Trjct-of-the-Month Club! Mail $ receive 25 fresh, new tracts monthly, plus new samples and bi-monthly paper. With $2.00 subscription for 50 tracts, double-compartment tract holder sent free. Join nowi Don’t miss these good things! -Trait-of-the -Month Club, 322 W.Washington,Chicago HOME COURSES Free O f f e r of lessons in the GOSPEL OF LUKE* With Each Enrollriient During August Course No. Price 6. B ible B egin n ers’ C ou rse........ $2.00 12. B ib le Outline .......................... 2.00 18. P ra ctica l B ible T r a in in g ..... 1.50 13. B ib lical G eograph y .......... 2.50 14. Old Testam ent H is t o r y .............. 2.00 15. N ew Testam en t H i s t o r y . 2.00 7. Th rou gh the B ible by B ooks 5.00 5. Th rou gh the B ible in a Y ea r 3.50 10. Studies in Th e A c ts .............. .... 2.00 2. Studies in the G ospels........ .. 5.00 (P e r Gospel, $2.00) 16. Church E p istles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 9. Teach er T ra in in g C o u r s e ..... 2.00 3. E va n gelica l Teach er T r .......... 8.00 4. C hristian W o rk ers’ E ffic ien c y Course ............................ 2.50 19. C hild E van gelism ....................... 5.00 8. Supplem ental B ib le C ou rse.. 1.00 1. Fundam ental D octrines . . . . . 5.00 11. P rop h etic B ible C o u rs e......... 3.50 *The free offer includes material* only; no examination and no cpr- | rections are given with the Luke lessons. •—Mention This Advertisement-— Correspondence School The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

558 So. Hope S,t. Los Angeles, Calif.

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