King's Business - 1943-08


August, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

greater than that of failing to dis­ cover a gold mine’s back yard. CONCLUSION: ‘ . (1)' The leader might hand out mimeographed lists of good books available in'local town or church li­ braries, and suggest fdrnting a volun­ tary reading group of t h o s e who would agree to read one worth-while book' every month or every two months. (2) A plan might be made whereby each person would agree to buy one desirable book not available locally, and then circulate it among members of the society. Ip either case, a chart should be kept for display purposes, giving the names of per­ sons in the reading group and titles' of books read. A happy family presents a picture that every one likes to see. There the authority and. leadership 'of the par­ ents is respected, and the various in­ dividuals work and play together in harmony. Because the- “ fun” in a home of this kind is based upon mutual love, the humor and the recreations within the family have a unifying and Constructive effect. The happiest family and the one that can experience .true joy has Christ as the Head, and is founded upon the Word of God. For Those Who Have Topics I. SOME BIBLE E X A M P L E S OF HAPPY FAMILIES. 1. Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac. Isaac had such perfect confidence in his father that he let him bind him and put him on the altar (Gen. 22). 2. Hannah, Elkanah, and Samuel (1 Sam. 1:1 to 2:11)., 3. .MoSes’ family (Ex. 2:1-10). 4. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (John II , 12 ). 5. The father of thé Prodigal Son; cf. the great feast and rejoicing that took place when the son came back to his father (Lk. 15:11-24). II. IMPORTANCE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAM ILY ’ IN THE DIVINE PRO­ GRAM. l..God made the woman as a help meet, that the h u s b a n d and wife should dwell together in unity (Gen. 2:18-24). / .. 2. “Be ye not unequally yoked' to­ gether with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14- 18; cf. Amos 3:3). 3. The Christian home- is an 'in fly ehce in leading‘ children to Christ. How important it is that the home September -20, 1942 F U N IN THE F AM IL Y L uke 15:20-32 By Lois JJhlinger Introduction

provide a strong Christian influence on the young people! Not only must it teach them •aright, but it is also important that it provide wholesome entertainment and fun. Otherwise, the young person will go elsewhere for his enjoyment, and the good teaching of the home w ill be torn down by the outside influence. III. FELLOWSHIP AT H O M E CAN HELP TO STABILIZE Y O U N G LIVES. . There are different kinds of family fellowship that have a stabilizing ef­ fect: 1. The family altar. One reason that America has drifted far from God is that the vast major­ ity of families have forsaken the fam­ ily altar. 2. Reading books together aloud. In this way many can profit by the reading and at the same time can be doing handwork. For example, in my. own home, when we children were younger, we read the missionary biog­ raphy, Mary Slessor of Calabar, to­ gether in the evenings. Some parts would be so thrilling that we hardly could wait to hear the outcome. But we would never read ahead as indi­ viduals, because it was more fun to read the story all together. 3. Playing games. The use of various Bible games is an excellent way to teach younger children about the Biblical characters and facts, and it also provides enter­ tainment. 4. Trips and outings. Happy family outings w ill help to keep the young people under the in­ fluence of the home rather than in worldly surroundings. 5. Everyday tasks. Many people think that they have to go to some organized party in order to have a good time—yet there are many kinds of enjoyment all about them: the fun of helpfulness and the fun of learning new skills. Girls often get much pleasure from baking and sewing. These activities are enjoy­ able in themselves, and in the mean­ time are providing valuable training. IV. THE SOURCE OF ALL TRUE HAP­ PINESS, THE L O R D J ESUS CHRIST. No one can know real joy until he has found Christ and knows the' joy pf His salvation. It is then that we can know the true meaning of joy, as we “ rejoice in the Lord.” After accepting Christ, ,we are all members of the family of Christ (John 1:12). Christ is the Head, and we are all members of the family (Eph. 5:22-33). We can have wonderful fellowship and fun’ in the spiritual “family” of Christ as well as in the family circle of our blood relatives.

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