King's Business - 1943-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August, 1942


17. The Word “Thou shalt meditate therein- day and night” (Josh. 1:8). Great God, with wonder and with praise, On all Thy works I look; But still Thy wisdom, power, and grace, Shine brightest in Thy Book. Here are my choicest treasures hid, . Here, my best comfort lies; Here my desires am satisfied, And here my hopes arise. Then let me love my Bible more, And take a fresh delight, By day to read these wonders o’er, And meditate riy night. —Isaac Watts.. 18. Praying Always “Praying always,” or “at all seas­ ons" (Eph. 6:18). The injunction is not “when you feel led” to pray. . . . If we were to add such a qualification to every- other command of Scripture, the re­ sult Would be sorry indeed. For ex­ ample: “Humble yourself”—when you feel led to. “Love one another”—when you feel led to. “ Speaking truth”— when you feel led to. No! God’s commands were not made conditional on our feeling led or not feeling led to obey; and the command to pray is no exception. There is such a thing as “ praying in cold blood” ; sometimes this is a necessary precur­ sor of fervent prayer. —China’s Millions. Hidden Treasure “If thou searchest . . . as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God” (Prov. 2:4, 5). Teach us, O blessed Spirit of in­ spiration, so to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest Thy Word that we may be-thoroughly furnished unto all good works, and be enabled to lead others into a true understanding of and love for its hidden treasures. i —F. B. Meyer. The God Who.Cares “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me” (Psa. 139:6). A party stood on the Matterhorn admiring the sublimity of the scene, when a gentleman produced a pocket microscope, and having caught a fly placed it under the glass. He reminded us that the legs of the housefly in England were naked, then called at­ tention to the legs of this little fly, which were thickly covered with hair, thus showing the same God who made the lofty Swiss mountains attended to the comfort of the tiniest of His crea- 19. % 20.

that takes all the Joy out of life arid spreads the same spirit- to others? Where is deliverance ?- Try loving, because it is God’s way. When we come to an end of ourselves, the love of God has the opportunity for which it is waiting. —Mrs. Howard Taylor. 13. As We Lean “Incline my heart unto thy testi­ monies” (Psa.'119:36). A tree will not only lie as it falls, but it will fall as it leans, and the great question should be, “What is the inclination of my soul? Does it, with all its affection, lean toward God, or away from Him?”—Selected. 14. To Have the Faith of God “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Eph. 6:10). Christ is able and willing to give us His own great and perfect faith. . . . We may lower God’s standard, and bring it down to the level of our unbelief. Or we may bring our faith up to the great and glorious standard of His mighty promises, His own mighty and proffered faith. Oh, with such promises for faith to rest on, such powers and possibilities pre­ sented to it, such awful need of It in the world today, and such a Fountain from which to draw it; let us hear the Master saying to us as never before, “Have the faith of God." —A. B. Simpson. 15. Our Abiding Friend “Whom having not seen, ye love” (1 Pet. 1:8). If you are fearful in this time of international conflict, develop the friendship of Jesus. Talk to Him in prayer and let Him talk to you through His Word. The more you think about Him, the dearer and sweeter He will become to you, and you w ill soon feel that you can meet any demand, any danger, in His strength. “There’s not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! No night so dark, but H is,love can cheer, us, No, not one!” —A London Journalist. Alert for His Return “Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day ntfr the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matt. 25:13). The coming of the Lord is ever set before believers as “that blessed hope,” with its joys and fullness; yet there is thé' entwined solemnity of the judgment seat of Christ. Thus are we helped to rejoice with trembling, and encouraged to know the longing that is not a fleshly desire merely to escape trials, but is truly spiritual. O that this mav be ours!—Selected. 16.

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The History of the Brethren The only complete and exhaustive account of a fundamentalist movement through which much overlooked and neglected Scripture truth was re­ covered 110 years ago and is' widely preached today has been, published in two volumes of 400 pages each, entitled, “ The History of the (so- called Plymouth) Brethren,” by N. Noel. This work is printed In 10 point and 8 'point type, and bound in dark blue “ T ” pattern Roxite waterproof cloth boards, with gilt title on cover and back. . These books are found in the libraries of most of the universities and colleges and in the munici­ pal public libraries of most of the large cities In both England and the United States. They were published in 1936 at $4.50.per set,,hut the price is now reduced to $2.00 per set, postpaid in the U. S. No' money need be sent with the order, and the books are returnable. A descriptive circular, with a Chart of the History, will be sent free on request to the publisher, W. R Knapp, 120 West Maple Ave., Denver, Colo. These books reviewed on page 319. BIBLES • TESTAMENTS W e carry one o f the la rg est stocks w est o f the M ississippi R iver. A lso religiou s and tem perance books.

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Generous profits on our 23boxed assortments. Many other gift items. Never before have we offered such a superb line. Christ-Honoring C a rd s in great demand. “ Sunshine Line is the reader in beautiful designs and inspira­ tional sentiments, with or without Scripture texts—50 cent and $1.00 box assortments. Also three Personal Name assortments, gin; wrap­ pings, Triumphant L ife calendars and other items will earn you easy Christmas money. Mail card today fo r approval sample offer. Don't delayl Be first in your community. TRIUMPHANT ART PUBLISHERS Dept. D-24, Anderson, ind. or Sacramento, Calif.

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