WSSU HRL Living On Campus Guide

When conducting drills, emphasis shall be placed on an orderly evacuation rather than on speed. Residents should become familiar with evacuation maps and routes in their halls. Fire drills are required in each occupied building on campus and are conducted as required. Drills will be held at expected and unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the conditions that can occur in an actual emergency. Drills are scheduled each semester. Fire drills are very vital and essential for emergency preparedness training. Drills shall include suitable procedures to assure all persons subject to the drill participate. All occupants shall take part in the fire drill and evacuate the building immediately. Residents not leaving the residence hall within 3 minutes of the alarm going off the amount of time during a fire drill will be fined and receive disciplinary action. Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are located in all buildings on campus in various locations. These fire extinguishers are provided for extinguishing fires when necessary. It is against the law to tamper with or remove fire extinguishers. They should only be used in an emergency. In the event that there is a malfunctioning extinguisher, please report it to the facility's main office. This should be reported immediately if anyone is seen tampering with a fire extinguisher. Smoke Detectors Smoke detectors are provided throughout the residence halls for the safety and protection of everyone in the building. It is against policy to tamper with, dismantle, or cover any smoke detector in any way. If the smoke detector in the room needs to be replaced which is indicated by a beep every few minutes, please alert the residence hall staff. Do not attempt to replace, remove, or tamper with a smoke detector. Rooms with dismantled smoke detectors are in violation and assigned resident(s) will be fined and referred to the Office of Community Standards and Civility for tampering with fire safety equipment. Sprinkler Heads Sprinkler heads are located in the residential halls and in the apartments. The hanging of any materials from the sprinkler heads can activate the system and cause damage to the device and facility. In this instance, water profusely discharges in the building causing severe water damage to the immediate room and surrounding areas. Nothing should be hung on any sprinkler head at any time. Also, you'll need to take care to avoid accidental damage to the sprinkler heads. Violators will be fined and shall pay the cost of damages to the equipment and property of other residents, and the university. 21

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