WSSU HRL Living On Campus Guide

Who is a Guest? A guest is defined as a person inside a room or a residence hall who does not occupy or reside in a specific space or visit a residence hall in which they do not reside. * If you are a WSSU student who lives on or off campus, you are a guest when you visit a residence hall outside of the one you reside in or when you visit a residence hall room that is not the one you reside in. *A guest is also defined as a visitor present in a particular residence hall common space or residence hall room with the consent or accompaniment of the hosting resident who resides in a residence hall per a signed and approved Housing Contract.

*Non-WSSU students are guests and must follow the outlined guest procedure.

“Proper Identification” means providing an official state-issued Driver's License or state-issued Identification card that contains the guest’s first and last name and has a clearly visible picture of the guest. The HRL staff members will not accept the following items: Bank debit/credit cards, university IDs, collateral items, passports, birth certificates, social security cards, or membership cards. A guest's presence should not result in unreasonable inconvenience or annoyance to the roommate or the other residents of the space or that residence hall. Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to deny guests visiting spaces they do not live in when violations occur, regardless of flagrance and repetition. Instructions for Guests All guests participating in visitation must sign in at the area office upon entrance to the residence hall and meet the hosting resident. After the visitation period, the hosting resident and guest must sign out at the area office upon departure from the residence hall. At sign-in, guests must leave a picture ID at the area office, and they can acquire their picture ID at the time of departure. Guests are only permitted to enter and leave the front door of each residence hall. A guest may not walk through the residence hall/area without being escorted by the hosting resident they are visiting. At no time should a guest be present in the hosting resident’s space while the hosting resident is not present in the space. The hosting resident is fully responsible for the actions of their guest(s). Hosting residents are responsible for informing their guests of housing regulations and rules and for their required adherence to them. As the hosting resident, you will be held accountable for the actions of your guests. The hosting resident must understand that the actions of their guests will impact them. If the guest does anything staff must document, the hosting resident will also be documented. Guests of opposite genders should be using the guest restroom unless the hosting resident has access to their own private restroom.

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