
Police drug raids sweep Eastern Ontario.  gŏđŏ

and also possession of property resulting from crime. Police also seized seven kilograms of cocaine, 29 pounds of marijuana, and 18 grams of hashish, along with four vehicles, and more than $45,000 in Canadian cur- rency. Facing charges are Robert McNamara, 53, of Clarence Creek, for conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, cocaine trafficking, possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, and possession of property obtained by crime; Travis Morgan, 44, Clarence Creek, for conspiracy to com- mit an indictable offence, cocaine traffick- ing, possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, and possession

of property obtained by crime; Scott Beggs, 36, of Bourget, for conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, and possession of mari- juana; Terry Crawford, 36, of Ottawa, with cocaine trafficking, possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, possession of property obtained by crime, conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, and pos- session of marijuana; Ronald Eaton, 43, of Brockville, with conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, cocaine trafficking, pos- session of cocaine for the purpose of traf- ficking, marijuana trafficking, possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, and possession of property obtained by crime, possession of hashish, and gaming violations including unlawfully registering a bet, illegal use of a phone to convey in- formation, and illegal bookmaking; Alain

Lacroix, 41, of Bourget, with conspiracy to commit an indictable offence and two counts of possession of cocaine for the pur- pose of trafficking; Jamie Levere, 39, of Clar- ence Creek, with conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, cocaine trafficking, and possession of property obtained by crime; Sean Sullivan, 32, of Ottawa, with cocaine trafficking, possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, possession of prop- erty obtained by crime, and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence; Donald Crowder of Brockville with possession of cocaine, possession of property obtained by crime, and two counts of breach of un- dertaking; Pamela Crowder, 45, of Brock- ville, with possession of cocaine, possession of property obtained by crime, and breach of undertaking.


Nine people face drug-related charges af- ter a joint investigation by the OPP, RCMP and other police departments and the On- tario Racing Commission. Project Beaconsfield was launched in July 2012 and wrapped up April 3 this year after a series of raids throughout Eastern Ontario. Armed with search warrants, police searched homes and other sites in Clarence Creek, Bourget, Brockville, Manotick, Eliza- bethtown-Kitley, and Gloucester. Eight men and one woman were arrested and now face charges of drug possession, possession for the purpose of trafficking,

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